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0.1.2 • Public • Published

Easy to use hooks


npm install hookbox
# or 
yarn add hookbox


useCache is helpful to improve user experience. One is when api is slow, we can show cached data first, and update it when api returns. useCache parameter:

  1. cacheName(required): unique name for identifying data.
  2. getter(required): function to get data, () => Promise.
  3. level: 1 for memory cache, 2 for sessionStorage, 3 for localStorage, default is 1.
  4. expireIn: for how many time will be expired, count in second.
  5. forceUpdate: update every time when mounted or dependency changed, default is false.
  6. dependencies: dependencies, default is [].
import {useCache} from "ease-hooks";

function Component() {
  const [data, clear, update ] = useCache("CACHE_NAME", () => {
    return Promise.resolve(SomeData)
  }, 0, 30);

  clear() // clear saved data, at next time it runs, data will be reloaded.
  update(data) // update saved data. 

  // some other code


usePageBloc is a hook for managing page state, it's supposed to be use with Ant design's Table component or ProTable component in ProComponents. But it can be used in other situation's alike, just make a wrapper component as an api adapter.

options for usePageBloc:

type ResponseData<T> = {
  data: T[];
  total: number;

type API = {
  // get page data
  get: <T>(params: any) => Promise<TableDataResponse<T>>;

type BlocOptions = {
  // key for identifying data, default is 'id'
  idKey?: string;
  selectable?: boolean;
  // if true, selection will be kept when page change.
  holdSelection?: boolean;
  selectMode?: "checkbox" | "radio";
  // if true, data will be loaded when component mounted.
  initialization?: boolean;
  // show pagination or not
  showPagination?: boolean;
  api: API;
  pageSizeList?: number[];
  // state will be persaved in memory.
  persistent?: boolean;
  // initial params for api.get
  initialParams?: any;

usePageBloc return value:

type usePageBlocReturnValue = {
    tableProps: {
      rowKey: 'string',
      // paination will be false if showPagination is false
      pagination: {
        current: number;
        pageSize: number;
        total: number;
        onChange: ({curent: nubmer, pageSize: number}) => void,
        pageSizeOptions: number[],
      rowSelection: rowConfig,
      dataSource: any[],
      loading: boolean,
    filterProps: {
      onReset: () => void;
      onSubmit: (any) => {};
      initialValues: any;
    refresh: () => void;
    navigate: (data: any) => void;
    selected: any[];
    clearSelection: () => void;
    setFixedParamsAndRefresh: (params: any) => void;

Dependencies (1)

Dev Dependencies (11)

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