TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.2.1 • Public • Published

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haxball.js is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Haxball Headless API.

🔖 Table Of Contents

🤔 How To Use

💻 Installing

npm install haxball.js

💻 Module Usage Example

// room.js

const HaxballJS = require("haxball.js");

HaxballJS.then((HBInit) => {
  // Same as in Haxball Headless Host Documentation
  const room = HBInit({
    roomName: "Haxball.JS",
    maxPlayers: 16,
    public: true,
    noPlayer: true,
    token: "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", // Required


  room.onRoomLink = function (link) {

💻 (Optional) Proxy

Haxball has a limit of 2 rooms per IP. Therefore, you can use proxy with adding proxy: "<YOUR_PROXY_IP>" in your RoomConfig.


    proxy: "",

💻 (Optional) TypeScript

From v2.1.0, the package has basic typings included. Typings are automatically imported alongside haxball.js package.

Install TypeScript and ts-node in your project:

npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install ts-node --save-dev

Name the file room.ts instead of room.js and use example room code from the previous section.

You may run the server with ts-node room.ts instead of node room.js. To make it runnable with npm start, add the alias to package.json:

// package.json

  "scripts": {
    "start": "ts-node run.ts"

🚀 Technologies

  • wrtc - WebRTC implementation for NodeJS
  • ws - Websocket Connection
  • json5 - JSON Helper Module
  • @peculiar/webcrypto - Webcrypto implementation for NodeJS
  • pako - ZLIB port for NodeJS
  • xhr2 - W3C XMLHttpRequest implementation for NodeJS
  • http-proxy-agent - Websocket Proxy Support
  • @types/haxball-headless-browser - Type definitions

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🌱 Minimal Requirements

  • NPM
  • NodeJS Version >=18

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🎊 Features

  • [x] Promise based
  • [x] Synchronous
  • [x] Performant
  • [x] Strongly Typed

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💡 How To Contribute

  • Make a fork of this repository
  • Clone to you machine and entry on respective paste
  • Create a branch with your resource: git checkout -b my-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
  • Push your branch: git push origin my-feature
  • A green button will appear at the beginning of this repository
  • Click to open and fill in the pull request information

Contributions, issues and features requests are welcome!
📮 Submit PRs to help solve issues or add features
🐛 Find and report issues
🌟 Star the project

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🤗 Contributors

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🔏 License

Copyright © 2023 Mertushka mertushka@proton.me

This project is licensed by MIT License.

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  • mertushka