
1.1.0 • Public • Published

−− generate-swap-generator −−

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−− Generate your own ESNext/StandardJS/UnitTest Ready Generators −−

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Demo example

Usage example

Check out the following repository to see what a project generated with generate-swap-generator looks like out the box:


Global install to use the generator as a standarlone CLI (recommanded)

$ yarn gobal add generate-swap-generator


$ npm install --global generate-swap-generator

Local install to use as a generate plugin or sub-generator

You should first visit the generator framework, generate to understand how generators, subgenerators and plugins work.

$ yarn add generate-swap-generator


$ npm install --save generate-swap-generator


As a standalone generator (recommanded)

$ generate-swap-generator

Should scaffold the project in the destination path you choose when asked.

Generated files

├─┬ src/
| ├─┬ tests/
| | ├─ generator.test.js
| | └─ plugin.test.js
| ├─┬ assets/
| | ├─┬ img/
| | | └── ...
| | └─┬ templates/
| |   └── example.txt
| └─┬ lib/
|   └─ generator.js
├── .editorconfig
├── .git
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .gitlab-ci.yml
├── index.js
├── generator.js
├── node_modules
├── .npmrc
├── package.json
└── .travis.yml

As a generate plugin (if you know what you are doing)

You should first visit the generator framework, generate to understand how generators, subgenerators and plugins work.

import generateSwapGenerator from 'generate-swap-generator'
import isValid from 'is-valid-app'
export default function (app) {
  if (!isValid(app, 'generate-my-generator')) return
  // ... your generator's stuff

Then you can use directly any generate-swap-generator tasks as a generate-my-generator task.

$ gen my-generator:keywords

Should run generate-swap-generator:keywords on your own generator instance.

As a generate sub-generator (if you know what you are doing)

You should first visit the generator framework, generate to understand how generators, subgenerators and plugins work.

import generateSwapGenerator from 'generate-swap-generator'
import isValid from 'is-valid-app'
export default function (app) {
  if (!isValid(app, 'generate-my-generator')) return
  app.register('swap-generator', generateSwapGenerator)
  // ... your generator's stuff

Then you can acces easily any generate-swap-generator tasks as a generate-my-generator sub-generator task.

$ gen my-generator.swap-generator:keywords

Should run generate-swap-generator:keywords on your own generator instance.


@TODO: document the API here



The codebase is written using the ESNext Specification (ECMAScript Stage 0), following the StandardJS Code Style

ECMASript JavaScript Style Guide ESLint Babel JS Yarn

We use:

  • Yarn to handle npm dependencies,
  • ESNext CLI to transform ESx code to ESNext,
  • Babel CLI to transpile ESNext code to node/browser compatible javascript,
  • And Standard CLI + ESLint to lint or format ESNext codebase.

Contribution guide

See the contribution guide in a separated document.


Global dependencies

Get the latest node engine (example with nvm):

$ nvm install lts/carbon

Install yarn from npm (for development only):

$ npm install --global yarn

All the rest of the development dependencies are local.

Clone and install

Clone the repo and install dependencies:

$ git clone
cd generate-swap-generator
$ yarn install

Running test

Finally, run the test pipeline:

$ yarn pipeline:test

Available yarn scripts

Task Command Task description
yarn clear Delete the ./build/ and ./dist repositories
yarn lint Lint source files
yarn lint:esnext Lint ESNext source files
yarn build Build the whole distribution
yarn build:assets Build all the assets
yarn build:assets:img Build the images assets
yarn build:assets:templates Build the generator's templates
yarn build:lib Build only the lib
yarn build:tests Build only the tests
yarn build:docs [TODO] Build only the docs
yarn test Run the tests in ./dist/tests/
yarn tests An alias for yarn test
yarn travis Run the travis script
yarn docs [TODO] Serve the docs
yarn pipeline Run the complete pipeline
yarn pipeline:test Run the required jobs to run the tests, then run the tests
yarn pipeline:build Run the required jobs to build the dist, then build the dist
yarn pipeline:docs [TODO] Run the required jobs to serve the docs, then serve the docs
yarn pipeline:build:tests Run the required jobs to build the tests, then build the tests
yarn pipeline:build:lib Run the required jobs to build the lib, then build the lib
yarn pipeline:build:docs [TODO] Run the required jobs to build the docs, then build the docs
yarn release An alias to yarn release:patch
yarn release:prerelease Release and publish a new semver version (x.y.z-rc+1)
yarn release:patch Release and publish a new patch semver version (x.y.z+1)
yarn release:minor Release and publish a new minor semver version (x.y+1.z=0)
yarn release:major Release and publish a new major semver version (x+1.y=0.z=0)

Develop in BDD mode

B.D.D. means Behavior-Driven-Development

The project is ready to code in BDD mode. Just run the bdd yarn command:

$ yarn bdd

The project will be lint, built, the BDD unit tests will be run, and the process will watch for any file changes to loop over the previous tasks (lint, build, test, watch).

Releasing a new version

The task yarn pipeline:build generate a ./dist folder in the repository's root directory but this folder is not part of the git repository (there is an entry in the .gitignore file). However the dist folder is included in the package.json#files field.

Thus to release a new, lets say, "patch" version, just run:

$ yarn release:patch

The whole build pipeline is run locally (lint, transpile, test) and then a new git tag and a new npm tag are pushed up.

Related projects

SWAP Generators

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  • base: Framework for rapidly creating high quality node.js applications, using plugins like building blocks | homepage
  • update: Be scalable! Update is a new, open source developer framework and CLI for automating updates… more | homepage
  • verb: Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used… more | homepage
  • composer: API-first task runner with three methods: task, run and watch. | homepage
  • engine: Template engine based on Lo-Dash template, but adds features like the ability to register helpers… more | homepage
  • template: Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template… more | homepage


Rémi Becheras


Copyright © 2018 Groupe SIRAP

This software is open source software under the terms of the MIT license.


Groupe SIRAP This project was generated by generate-swap-project, a project by SIRAP Group

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  • rbecheras