Friendly-errors-webpack-plugin recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience.
It is easy to add types of errors so if you would like to see more errors get handled, please open a PR!
Getting started
npm install friendly-errors-webpack-plugin --save-dev
Basic usage
Simply add FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin
to the plugin section in your Webpack config.
var FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin = ; var webpackConfig = // ... plugins: // ...
Turn off errors
You need to turn off all error logging by setting your webpack config quiet option to true.
If you use the webpack-dev-server, there is a setting in webpack's devServer
// webpack config root // ... devServer: // ... quiet: true // ... // ...
If you use webpack-hot-middleware, that is done by setting the log option to false
. You can do something sort of like this, depending upon your setup:
Thanks to webpack-dashboard for this piece of info.
Build success
eslint-loader errors
babel-loader syntax errors
Module not found
You can pass options to the plugin:
compilationSuccessInfo: messages: 'You application is running here http://localhost:3000' notes: 'Some additionnal notes to be displayed unpon successful compilation' { // You can listen to errors transformed and prioritized by the plugin // severity can be 'error' or 'warning' } // should the console be cleared between each compilation? // default is true clearConsole: true // add formatters and transformers (see below) additionalFormatters: additionalTransformers:
Adding desktop notifications
The plugin has no native support for desktop notifications but it is easy to add them thanks to node-notifier for instance.
var NotifierPlugin = ;var notifier = ;var ICON = path; { if severity !== 'error' return; const error = errors0; notifier; }
Transformers and formatters
Webpack's errors processing, is done in four phases:
- Extract relevant info from webpack errors. This is done by the plugin here
- Apply transformers to all errors to identify and annotate well know errors and give them a priority
- Get only top priority error or top priority warnings if no errors are thrown
- Apply formatters to all annotated errors
You can add transformers and formatters. Please see transformErrors, and formatErrors in the source code and take a look a the default transformers and the default formatters.
- Make it compatible with node 4