Meta-framework combining utilities for express.js, axios, class-validator to provide lightweight but classic MVC experience based usage on decorators.
What if... express.js would have perks of NestJs without DP errors nagging and without unnecessary module boilerplate code..?
Controller usage (receiving requests):
import express from "express";
import { registerControllers, HttpStatus,
DController, DHttpGet, DHttpPost, DValidateBody} from "express-vilnius";
import { IsEmail, IsNotEmpty, Length } from "class-validator";
const app = express();
registerControllers(app, [ExampleController], config={ groupUri: "/api/v1/example-group" });
export class CreateFileDto {
@Length(2, 100)
fileName: string;
export class ExampleController {
// full URL will be: {your-host}/api/v1/example-group/example-controller/example-file
async getExample(req: IRequest) {
return {
data: { name: "test-user" },
// data, cookies, headers, status - are all optional
async postExample(req: IRequest): IControllerResp<{ id: string }> {
return {
data: { id: "test-file-id" },
status: 201,
Client usage (sending requests):
import {
} from "express-vilnius"
type ICreateUserInput = {
name: string;
type ICreateUserResult = {
id: string;
name: string;
@DClient({ baseUri: "/example-user-micro-service" })
export class UserMicroServiceClient {
@DSendRequest<ICreateUserResult, ICreateUserInput>({
method: EHttpMethod.Post,
uri: "/user"
async createUser(input: ICreateUserInput): IReqMethodReturn<ICreateUserResult, ICreateUserInput> {
// Prepare the request data and optional headers
const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
return {
body: input,
responseFn: async ({ id, name }) => ({
processed: true
If you want to group clients with common settings:
import { setupClientsGroup } from "express-vilnius"
setupClientsGroup([UserMicroServiceClient], { uriPrefix: `${user-ms-host}/api/v1` })