
1.0.3 • Public • Published

Eris Interactions

Eris Interactions is a simple to use, lightweight and fast Interaction Handler for the Node.js Discord library Eris.

It supports two ways of handling interactions:

  • Bulk collecting a specified amount of interactions over a set period of time
  • Continuous listening for new interactions being made

The API is pretty straight forward and only requires the native event emitter as a dependency for fast event emitting.

Getting Started

Simply install Eris Interactions via NPM npm install eris-interactions and require it wherever you need it!


Setting up a listener:

new interactionCollector(client, message, options);
  • Eris.Client client - An Eris client
  • Eris.Message message - An Eris message emitted from the messageCreate event.
  • Object options - An object containing following options:
    • Function options.filter - A filter for the interactions that sould be collected.
    • Number options.maxMatches - The maximum amount of interactions to collect.
    • Number options.maxTime - The maximum amount of time the collector should run for in milliseconds.

In addition to that a temporary listener needs to be attached to listen for the interaction event:

.on('interaction', eventListener);
  • String 'interaction' - The event name. This MUST stay the same!
  • Function eventListener - The event listener which is passed an object.
    • Object Eris.ComponentInteraction - The object emitted from the interaction event.
.on('end', eventListener);
  • String 'end' - The event name. This MUST stay the same!
  • Function eventListener - The event listener which is passed a string.
    • String reason - The reson for the collector to stop, it can be maxMatches or timeEnd.


This repository makes use of the MIT License and all of its correlating traits.

A small credit if this repository was to be used would be highly appreciated!
If you liked the code please give it a star!


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  • miguelcollaco