An Eleventy plugin to render markdown as a shortcode within other templating engines.
Thanks to Bryan Robinson for the Eleventy Plugin tutorial
Available on npm.
npm install eleventy-plugin-markdown-shortcode --save
Open up your Eleventy config file (probably .eleventy.js
) and add the plugin:
const markdownShortcode = require("eleventy-plugin-markdown-shortcode");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
This plugin is a universal shortcode, so it's available in the following templating engines:
- Liquid
- Nunjucks
- Handlebars
- JavaScript
In your templates, use the following syntax to grab the contents from any markdown file in your project path:
{% markdown '/path/to/markdown.md' %}
We handle (read: ignore) frontmatter with the markdown-it-front-matter plugin. You can include standard frontmatter like so:
title: Frontmatter test
## This is from the frontmatter test file
It should *not* include anything that says `title` or the frontmatter dashes.
And the plugin will skip the frontmatter, as long as it's valid
You can also pass in markdown-it configuration like so:
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(markdownShortcode, {
html: true,
linkify: true,
Read the live demo source code
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