
2.1.1 • Public • Published


Discord Banner2

This package features a fully customizable embed pagination for DiscordJS V13 and V14. The User can modify the buttons to their liking and enable/disable Select Menu.

Install package

npm install customizable-discordjs-pagination

Discord.js v13 Example

const Pagination = require('customizable-discordjs-pagination');

// Make Embeds using DiscordJS package
const pages = [embed1, embed2, embed3];

const buttons = [
   { label: 'Previous', emoji: '⬅', style: 'DANGER' },
   { label: 'Next', emoji: '➡', style: 'SUCCESS' }

new Pagination()
   .setPaginationCollector({ timeout: 120000 })
   .setSelectMenu({ enable: true })
   .setFooter({ enable: true })

Discord.js v14 Example

const Pagination = require('customizable-discordjs-pagination');
const { ButtonStyle } = require('discord.js'); // Discord.js v14+

// Make Embeds using DiscordJS package
const pages = [embed1, embed2, embed3];

const buttons = [
   { label: 'Previous', emoji: '⬅', style: ButtonStyle.Danger },
   { label: 'Next', emoji: '➡', style: ButtonStyle.Success },

new Pagination()
   .setPaginationCollector({ timeout: 120000 })
   .setSelectMenu({ enable: true })
   .setFooter({ enable: true })


2 Buttons - Previous and Next


3 Buttons - Previous, Stop and Next


4 Buttons - First, Previous, Next, Last


5 Buttons - First, Previous, Stop, Next, Last



  • For DiscordJS V13/V14:
new Pagination()
   .setPaginationCollector({ timeout: 120000 })
   .setSelectMenu({ enable: true })
   .setFooter({ enable: true })


Name Optional Details
setCommand(message / interaction) Message or Slash Interaction Accepted
setPages(pages) Array of MessageEmbeds(DiscordJS V13) or EmbedBuilder(DiscordJS V14)
send() Executes the pagination
setButtons([{ parameters }, { parameters }, ...]) ✔️ Array of objects containing styles, labels and/or emojis for the buttons
setPaginationCollector({ parameters }) ✔️ Optional Method to set Select Menu Options
setSelectMenu({ parameters }) ✔️ Optional Method to set Collector Options
setFooter({ parameters }) ✔️ Optional Method to set Footer Options
setCustomComponents({ parameters }) ✔️ Optional Method to set Custom Component Options
setCustomComponentsFunction(fn) ✔️ Optional Method to set Custom Component Function

Optional Methods

setButtons([{ parameters }, { parameters }, ...])

Default: An Empty Array ( [] )

Parameter Type Details
label String The text to be displayed on this button
emoji Emoji The emoji to be displayed on this button

setFooter({ parameters })


  • {User Tag} - message.member.user.tag || interaction.member.user.tag
  • {User Avatar} -{ dynamic: true }) || interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true })
Parameter Type Default Details
option String 'default' 'user' - Uses the User's Embed Footer; 'none' - Remove Embed Footer; 'default': The Package Default Footer with parameters modifications(Below)
pagePosition String 'left' Adjust the pagePosition to the left, right or none.
extraText String 'Requested by {User Tag}' The user can customize this text to be displayed on the footer
enableIconURL Boolean true Set tp false to disable Footer Icon(Image)
iconURL String {User Avatar} The icon URL of the footer

setSelectMenu({ parameters })

Parameter Type Default Details
enable Boolean false Set to true to enable Select Menu
placeholder String 'Select Page' The text to be displayed as placeholder for the Select Menu
pageOnly Boolean false True: Forced Select Menu Options is page numbers; False: Select Menu Options is the Embed Title(if different), otherwise page numbers

setPaginationCollector({ parameters })

Parameter Type Default Details
components String 'disable' Options: 'disable' - Disables the components at the end ; 'disappear' - Remove the components at the end
ephemeral Boolean false Set to true to make the Pagination Collector ephemeral
resetTimer Boolean true Set to true to reset the Pagination Collector timer
startingPage Number 1 Set Default Page Number
secondaryUserInteraction Boolean false Set to true to allow secondary user interaction
secondaryUserText String 'This isn't your interaction.' The text to be displayed for the secondary user
timeout Number 120000 The time in milliseconds before the Pagination Collector times out

setCustomComponents([component, ...])

Default: An Empty Array ( [] )

Parameter Type Details
component ActionRow Represents an action row component


Parameter Type Details
fn Function Function to handle the custom component


const customFn = function fn({ message, msg, pages, collector, setPage, setPages }, interaction) {
   switch(interaction.customId) {
      case 'test':

return new Pagination()
   . ...

Bots that use this package

Avatar Name
Toating Bot
Savage Bot


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  • 2.1.1
    • latest

Version History

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npm i customizable-discordjs-pagination

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28.1 kB

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  • viruslauncher