
1.3.1 • Public • Published


CreatorDJS is a Node.js package that simplifies the process of creating Discord bots using Discord.js v14. It provides easy-to-use methods for setting up and managing bot functionality, including slash commands, prefix commands, and database connections.


You can install CreatorDJS via npm:

npm install creatordjs


Here's how you can use CreatorDJS to create a Discord bot:

const creatordjs = require('creatordjs');
// Initialize token and set prefix
const token = process.env.BOT_TOKEN;
const prefix = '!';
const client = creatordjs.init(token, prefix);
// Create slash commands
const slashCommands = [
//   Define slash commands here

// Create prefix commands
const prefixCommands = [
//   Define prefix commands here

// Connect to MongoDB database
const mongooseUrl = process.env.MONGOOSE_URL;

// Set custom bot activity
creatordjs.setActivity('online', 'Meow', 1, '');

Command Template

Slash Commands - default

    name: 'ping',
    description: 'Ping command',
    cooldown: 3,
    dev: false,
    options: [],
    botPermissions: ["SendMessages"],
    userPermissions: ["SendMessages"],
    async execute(interaction) {


Slash Commands - builder

    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription('Ping the bot.'),
    cooldown: 3,
    dev: false,
    botPermissions: ["SendMessages"],
    userPermissions: ["SendMessages"],
    async execute(interaction) {


Message Commands

    name: 'ping',
    description: 'Ping command',
    cooldown: 3,
    dev: false,
    botPermissions: ["SendMessages"],
    userPermissions: ["SendMessages"],
    async execute(message, args) {



  • Initializing the Bot: Use creatordjs.init(token, prefix) to initialize your bot with your Discord bot token and command prefix.
  • Registering Slash Commands: Use creatordjs.slash(commands) to register slash commands for your bot.
  • Registering Prefix Commands: Use creatordjs.message(commands) to register prefix commands for your bot.
  • Connecting to Database: Use creatordjs.database(mongooseUrl) to connect your bot to a MongoDB database using Mongoose.
  • Developer Restriction: Restrict certain commands to bot developers for added security. Use creatordjs.setDevs(["id1", "id2"]) to specify bot developer IDs.
  • Permission Checks: Check user and bot permissions before executing commands.
  • Cooldown Management: Manage command cooldowns to prevent spamming.
  • Dynamic Command Loading: Load commands dynamically from a specified directory. Use creatordjs.load(directory).
  • Event Handling: Handle Discord events seamlessly with event listeners. Use creatordjs.event(events).
  • Slash Command Type: Choose between two types of slash command registration: "default" or "builder". Use creatordjs.setSlash(type) to specify the type.
  • Error Handling: Integrated error handling with an errorHandler function.

Prebuilt Commands

Slash Commands

Here are some prebuilt slash commands available for use:

  • ping: Ping command to check bot latency.
  • Add more slash commands as needed.

Message (Prefix) Commands

Here are some prebuilt message commands available for use:

  • ping: Ping command to check bot latency.
  • Add more message commands as needed.


Check out the tutorial playlist. YouTube Playlist


For additional help and support, join our Discord server: Meow Dev 7's Lab Discord Server


We welcome your suggestions and feedback! Feel free to post them on our Discord server.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.

Modules Used

  • chalk - For colored console output
  • discord.js - Discord API library for Node.js
  • dotenv - For loading environment variables
  • mongoose - MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment
  • table - For generating ASCII tables


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  • Version
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  • 1.3.1

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  • officialmeowdev7