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0.1.4 • Public • Published

Closest File Data Build Status Beerpay Beerpay

A NodeJS module to find and retrieve data (such as config) related to a given path. No dependencies. Implements caching.

What is this?


// some/project/path
// ├── package.json
// └── src
//     ├── index.js
//     └── utils
//         └── dummy.js
const pkg = closestFileData(
  {basename: 'package.json', read: require}

A more complex example

Let's say you want to find some config data related to a given file. We'll take BabelJS for example. Their config can be a JSON file in .babelrc, or a JS file in .babelrc.js, or even in the babel key of package.json. Now you are given the path of a file and you want to get the Babel config closest to that file... what a mess!

Well, with this module now you can safely do:

import closestFileData from 'closest-file-data';
const babelReaders = [
  // each line represents what is called a reader (see below):
  { basename: '.babelrc', read: f => JSON.parse(readFileSync(f, 'utf-8')) },
  { basename: '.babelrc.js', read: f => require(f) },
  { basename: 'package.json', read: f => require(f).babel },
const config = closestFileData('/path/to/some/deep/file.js', babelReaders);
// `config` will be either the object representing the first config data found,
// or `undefined` if no configuration found.

What is a reader?

A reader is an object with 2 properties:

  • basename: the basename of the file for which the read will be called with.
  • read: a method that should return either the data read for given file, or undefined if the read should be considered without result (useful in the Babel case for example when there is no babel key in the package.json).

The second parameter to closestFileData() can be a single reader or an array of readers. It will try a find a file with name basename in the given path (first argument of closestFileData) for each given reader, until one returns something else then undefined. If none, it'll go up one directory and start again, until it reaches the root of the filesystem.

Is it cached?

Yup, the cache is different per list of base names files in the set of readers given to closestFileData(). You can also clear the cache if needed for testing purpose:

import closestFileData from 'closest-file-data';
// ...


Add to your project with npm:

npm install --save closest-file-data

or with yarn:

yarn add closest-file-data

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Running the tests

You need to get a copy of the repository to run unit and integration tests:

git clone
cd closest-file-data
npm run test

There is 3 test scripts:

  • test:unit: run tests using the typescript source in src, useful while developing.
  • test:dist: run tests using the built js version in dist, needs to have ran build before.
  • test:e2e: run real World tests without mocking the file-system, using the built js version in dist. Needs to have ran build before.

The test script run them all and takes care of building the sources before.

Built With


Pull requests welcome!


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Huafu Gandon - Initial work - huafu

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

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  • huafu