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Errors : object

Custom and Explicit Javascript Error Classes

bower install browser-error-classes

Easy to read custom and extensible error classes for the browser which extend the native error classes.

Include all the errors with Error.js OR include just what you need from the lib/ dir.

Sometimes, just throwing an error isn't that helpful. Sometimes, handling an error elegantly preventing a crash just isn't quite good enough sometimes you want to handle explicit errors in the UI in specific ways. During team development there are times when you want to throw explicit errors to both help developers understand whats going on, as well as enforce some strict rules. That is what this module is for.

Kind: global namespace

<script src='bower_components/browser-error-classes/Errors.js'></script>

Errors.Immutable ⇐ Error

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: Error

new Immutable()

Error for Immutable variables

Immutable.setMessage(varaibleName, scope) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of Immutable
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
varaibleName String name of immutable variable
scope Any Scope of varaible


class User{
            let userName=null;
            function getName(){
                return userName;
            function setName(value){
                    const err=new Errors.Immutable;
                    throw err;
                return userName;
    const bob=new User('bob',42);'bob';


immutable.html:39 Uncaught Immutable: "name" is Immutable and may not be modified.
    Scope : {
    "age": 42,

Errors.InvalidMethod ⇐ Error

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: Error

new InvalidMethod()

Error for methods which are either undefined or not methods (functions)

InvalidMethod.setMessage(methodName, method, [scope]) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of InvalidMethod
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
methodName String method name
method Any expected method
[scope] Any scope in which the invalid method is expected


class User{
        const bob=new User('bob',42);
        if(!bob.getInfo || typeof bob.getInfo !== 'function'){
            const err=new Errors.InvalidMethod;


 invalidMethod.html:25 Uncaught InvalidMethod: Expects "getInfo" to be Function but got undefined
             Scope : {
     "age": 42

Errors.InvalidParameter ⇐ Error

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: Error

new InvalidParameter()

Error for invalid parameters

InvalidParameter.setMessage(parameterName, expected, got, [scope]) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of InvalidParameter
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
parameterName Any name of parameter
expected Any what it expected
got Any what it got
[scope] Any optional value where the parameter came from like an object or array


let test={a:1,b:0};
    err=new Errors.InvalidParameter;
        'a value greater than 0',
    throw err;


        InvalidParameter: 'b' Expects 'a value greater than 0' but got 0
        at InvalidParameter (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/lib/InvalidParameter.js:11:1)
        at multiplyNumbers (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/example/invalidParam.js:13:13)

Errors.RequiredParameter ⇐ Error

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: Error

new RequiredParameter()

error for required params that are not set or passed

RequiredParameter.setMessage(parameterName, [scope]) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of RequiredParameter
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
parameterName Any name of parameter
[scope] Any optional value where the parameter came from like an object or array


let test={a:1,b:0};
    err=new Errors.RequiredParameter;
    throw err;


        RequiredParameter: Expects 'numberOne' to be defined
        at RequiredParameter (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/lib/RequiredParameter.js:12:1)
        at multiplyNumbers (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/example/requiredParam.js:13:13)

Errors.SocketUnavailable ⇐ Error

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: Error

new SocketUnavailable()

Error for when an expected socket is not available

SocketUnavailable.setMessage(socketPath, [scope]) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of SocketUnavailable
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
socketPath Any name of parameter
[scope] Any optional value with information on the socket or constructor


const ipc=require('node-ipc');
        const Errors=require('node-error-classes');   = 'hello';
        ipc.config.maxRetries = 3;
                        const err=new Errors.SocketUnavailable;
                        throw err;


        SocketUnavailable: Socket of '/tmp/' Unavailable
        at SocketUnavailable (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/lib/SocketUnavailable.js:11:1)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/example/socketUnavailable.js:14:27)
        at (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/node_modules/node-ipc/node_modules/event-pubsub/event-pubsub.js:69:19)
        at Object.trigger (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/node_modules/node-ipc/node_modules/event-pubsub/event-pubsub.js:111:21)
        at Socket.connectionClosed (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/node_modules/node-ipc/dao/client.js:157:24)
        at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
        at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
        at Pipe._onclose (net.js:469:12)

Errors.Type ⇐ TypeError

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: TypeError

new Type()

Used for normalizing the message of a type error

Type.setMessage(parameterName, type, value, [scope]) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of Type
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
parameterName Any name of parameter
type String Type String
value Any value that caused error
[scope] Any optional value where the parameter came from like an object or array


let test={a:1,b:0};
if(typeof test.b!=='object'){
    err=new Errors.Type;
    throw err;


        throw err;
        TypeError: 'numberOne' Expects String but got number : 6
        at Type (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/lib/Type.js:12:1)
        at multiplyNumbers (/home/bmiller/git/node-error-classes/example/typeError.js:13:13)

Errors.UndefinedValue ⇐ Error

Kind: static class of Errors
Extends: Error

new UndefinedValue()

Error for undefined values

UndefinedValue.setMessage(variableName, variable, [scope]) ⇒ String

Kind: static method of UndefinedValue
Returns: String - compiled error message

Param Type Description
variableName String varible name
variable Any varible
[scope] Any scope in which the variable should exist


const user={
      const err = new Errors.UndefinedValue;
      throw err;


       throw err;
    Undefined: 'string'


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