A template component for A-Frame VR.
- Simple ES6-style templating
- Defining context variables via data attributes or from components
- Agnostic template engine support, choose from popular templating engines
- Rendering templates before, at the beginning, at the end, or after entities
- Loading templates defined within script tags
- Loading external templates
- Lazy-loading template engines
- Vanilla HTML (with basic ES6 templating)
- Handlebars.js
- Pug (formerly Jade)
- mustache.js
- Nunjucks
Basic Example
<script id="boxesTemplate" type="text/html">
<a-box color="${box1color}" position="-1 0 -5"></a-box>
<a-box color="${box2color}" position="0 1 -5"></a-box>
<a-box color="${box3color}" position="1 0 -5"></a-box>
<a-entity template="src: #boxesTemplate"
data-box1color="red" data-box2color="green" data-box3color="blue"></a-entity>
Property | Description |
src | Selector to a <script template> element or a URL to an external template file. |
data | Pass a component name to use the component's data as the dataset for the template context variables. |
insert | Where to insert the rendered HTML using insertAdjacentHTML |
type | To explicitly define the type of templating engine to use (handlebars, jade, mustache, nunjucks, html). |
Local context variables for the template are passed through the element's
dataset or
through the data
property. If both are defined, they will be combined.
Property | Description |
on | Event name to listen to before initializing template component. |
data | What to set to once event is fired. |
src | What to set template.src to once event is fired. |
Vanilla HTML
If type
is not defined and we are loading it from an external template, then
the component will render raw HTML.
Event | Description |
templaterendered | Emitted when the template is rendered |
Script Tag Type
If loading from a script tag, it must have the type
attribute defined. The
component will try to infer it from the script tag type
attribute. It will
look within the attribute string for one of handlebars
, jade
, mustache
, or html
<script type="text/x-nunjucks-template">
Browser Installation
Install and use by directly including the browser files:
<title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script id="butterflies" type="text/x-nunjucks-template">
{% for x in range(0, 10) %}
{% for z in range(0, 10) %}
<a-entity template="src: butterfly.template; type: handlebars"
data-position="{{ x * 10 }} 1 {{ z * 10 }}"></a-entity>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<script id="forest" type="text/x-nunjucks-template">
{% for x in range(0, 10) %}
{% for z in range(0, 10) %}
<a-entity template="src: tree.template; type: handlebars; data: tree-data"
data-position="{{ x * 10 }} 0 {{ z * 10 }}"
tree-data="trunkColor: #623B1C; leaves: 500"></a-entity>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<script id="clouds" type="text/x-jade-template">
- for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
- for (var z = 0; z < 5; z++) {
a-entity(geometry="primitive: box; depth: 8; height: 1; width: 6", material="opacity: 0.2", position="#{x * 20} 15 #{z * 20}")
- }
- }
<a-entity template="src: #forest"></a-entity>
<a-entity template="src: #butterflies"></a-entity>
<a-entity template="src: #clouds"></a-entity>
NPM Installation
Install via NPM:
npm install aframe-template-component
Then register and use.
Note if using this within React, make sure the template is defined outside of React's root. React will treat the template as actual DOM rather than a string.