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Renamed to @ackee/petrus


2.2.10 • Public • Published

Go to @ackee/petrus


The library aims to handle authentication logic with token based flow.

Main features

  • automatically refresh access token before it becomes expired
  • persisting tokens state in local or session storage (optional)
  • automatically fetching an authorized user after successful tokens retrieval from a storage
  • simple API for auth state management: getAuthStateChannel, withAuthSession


The library works best with React apps that use Redux and Redux Saga (since the authentication logic is heavily integrated with both these libraries).

Table of contents


Using npm:

$ npm install ackee-redux-token-auth

Using yarn:

$ yarn add ackee-redux-token-auth


configure(config: Object, options: Object) => void

Sets the package configuration with an config object. Following config properties are supported:


  • authenticate: Function - required
  • refreshTokens: Function - required
  • getAuthUser: Function - required
  • shouldRefresh: Function


  • tokens
    • persistence: String - See details
    • requestDurationEstimate: Number
    • minRequiredExpiration: Number

Any of the functions can also be a saga generator.

authenticate(credentials: any) => { user: any, tokens: any }

Required. This method is called when a login(credentials) action is dispatched. These credentials are passed to authenticate method.

The method is expected to return/or resolve with an Object with props user, tokens or throw an error. User and tokens are then stored as is to the redux state for later use (state.auth.user).

refreshTokens(tokens: Object) => tokens:Object

Required. This method is called when the timeout for refreshing tokens ends or when tokens are expired after retrieval from a local storage. This triggers the token-refresh process.

Function is expected to return/or resolve with an tokens Object: ({ [tokenName: string]: token })

getAuthUser(void) => user:any

Required. This method is called when tokens are successfully retrieved from a local storage.

Function is expected to return/or resolve with a user object.

[DEPRECATED]shouldRefresh(error: Error) => boolean

Optional. This function is called when the requestFn catches an error and should decide, whether to refresh the tokens and retry the action or not.

Default: () => true.

saga() => ReduxSaga

Initializes the saga handlers generator. This should be passed along with your other sagas.

reducer: ReduxReducer

The lib reducer. Needs to be plugged in under the auth key. Reducer name is not-yet configurable.

Initialization overview

import * as ReduxAuth from 'ackee-redux-token-auth';
// 1. Provide autheticate, refreshTokens and getAuthUser methods
// 2. Launch ReduxAuth.saga
function*() {
    yield all([ReduxAuth.saga()])
// 3. Add auth reducer
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    auth: ReduxAuth.reducer




  • persistence

    Tokens persistence defines how and where will be tokens stored and when they will be cleared:

    • LOCAL (default) - Tokens are stored in IndexedDB. The state will be persisted even when the browser window is closed. An explicit sign out is needed to clear that state.

    • SESSION - Tokens are stored in SessionStorage.

    • NONE - Tokens will only be stored in Redux Store and will be cleared when the window or activity is refreshed.


      import { configure, constants } from 'ackee-redux-token-auth';
      const options = {
          tokens: {
              persistence: constants.tokens.persistence.NONE,
              // ...

Action creators

login(credentials: Object) => ReduxAction

The credentials object is passed to authenticate(credentials) method you've provided in the configure method.

logout() => ReduxAction

Triggers a user logout. This clears the state of any auth data (tokens from local storage included).

Action types

Access token flow


Access token becomes available when one of following events successfully finished: login, local tokens retrieval or tokens refreshment. It's guaranteed that ACCESS_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE action will be dispatched first, before another trigger of ACCESS_TOKEN_AVAILABLE.


Access token becomes unavailable on logout or when tokens refreshment start. It's also guaranteed that ACCESS_TOKEN_AVAILABLE action will be dispatched first, before another trigger of ACCESS_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE.

Authentication session flow


Once the application has available valid access token, this action is dispatched. It's guaranteed that AUTH_SESSION_END must be triggered first before another trigger.


The action is triggered on start of access token refreshment.


If access token refreshment was successful, AUTH_SESSION_RESUME is triggered. It's guaranteed it will be dispatched only after AUTH_SESSION_PAUSE action.


If access token refreshment fails or AUTH_LOGOUT action§ is triggered, AUTH_SESSION_END is triggered.


authUser(state: Object) => user:any

Gets the user returned from authenticate method.

isLoggedIn(state: Object) => Boolean

Returns true whether user is logged in, false otherwise.

isLoggingIn(state: Object) => Boolean

Returns true whether the login process is taking place, false otherwise.

isUserFetching(state: Object) => Boolean


withAuthSession(fn: Function) => void

A generator function that receives any function as 1st parameter. The provided function will be launched on AUTH_SESSION_START action and cancelled on AUTH_SESSION_END. Note that withAuthSession is a blocking task (if you need to make it non-blocking one, use it with fork effect).

import { withAuthSession } from 'ackee-redux-token-auth';
function* myAuthSaga() {}
export default function*() {
    yield withAuthSession(myAuthSaga);
    // non-blocking version: yield fork(withAuthSession, myAuthSaga);

getAuthStateChannel(void) => channel

A generator function that returns action channel with following available actions:

import { takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { getAuthStateChannel, actionTypes } from 'ackee-redux-token-auth';
function* logOutEveryAuthStateStep() {
    const authStateChannel = yield getAuthStateChannel();
    yield takeEvery(authStateChannel, function*(action) {
        switch (action.type) {
            case actionTypes.ACCESS_TOKEN_AVAILABLE: {
                const accessToken = action.payload;
                // do something with accessToken
            case actionTypes.ACCESS_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE:

[DEPRECATED] authorizedFn(handler: Function)

A saga wrapper for the given handler Function or a saga generator.

The handler is called with { ...tokens, user } you returned in configure.authenticate and configure.refreshTokens.


authorizable(AuthorizableComponent, Firewall, Loader) => AuthorizedComponent

High order component that based on current state of the auth reducer renders one of these components:

  • AuthorizableComponent it is rendered only if an authorized user had been fetched (-> state.auth.user)
  • Firewall is rendered if application isn't authorized
  • Loader (optional) is renderer whenever the app can't determinate if it's authorized or not (e.g. when app is loading and it doesn't know yet if tokens are available or not)
import React from 'react';
import { authorizable } from 'ackee-redux-token-auth/lib/HOC';
// or import { HOC } from 'ackee-redux-token-auth';
// and then HOC.authorizable(...);
const AuthContent = <div>User is logged in</div>;
const Firewall = <div>Please login</div>;
const Loader = <div>Loading...</div>;
const AuthorizedComponent = authorizable(AuthContent, Firewall, Loader);
export default AuthorizedComponent;

Tokens management logic

More detail description of the Tokens management logic.

Migration guides from 1.x.x to 2.0.x

The configure method now accept an object with following changes:

  1. refreshTokens function is now required
  2. getAuthUser is a required function, that returns a user object.

The configure method should now look like this:

import { configure } from 'ackee-redux-token-auth';
    refreshTokens, // now required
    getAuthUser, // new method


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