
0.1.6 • Public • Published


This Rollup plugin creates a pack file from your package, and moves it somewhere else as part of testing your package.

This plugin is used by @toolbuilder/rollup-plugin-test-tools, which tests your pack file in temporary ES, CommonJS, and Electron projects.


npm install --save-dev @toolbuilder/rollup-plugin-create-pack-file


import createPackFile from '@toolbuilder/rollup-plugin-create-pack-file'

export default {
  input: 'entry-point.js',
  output: {
    // By default the plugin will use output.dir or dirname(output.file) for the output directory
    file: 'somewhere/es/entry-point.js'
    format: 'es'
  plugins: [
      // if you want the packfile in another place than dirname(output.file) or output.dir,
      // specify that directory here.
      outputDir: 'somewhere'

This plugin runs using the generateBundle hook. This lets you use the pack file when the writeBundle hook runs. The writeBundle hook runs plugins in parallel, so you can't control plugin execution order.


There are a number of options. The advanced options exist for unit testing, but you might find them useful.

Basic Options:

  • rootDir - tell the plugin where the package root is located. By default, this is process.cwd().
  • outputDir - tell the plugin the output directory for the pack file. By default the plugin uses Rollup options output.dir or dirname(output.file) - whichever was specified.
  • packCommand - tell the plugin what command to use to generate the pack file. This is not run in a shell, but execa is used to parse the command. By default, this is npm pack. For example, I use pnpm instead of npm, so my packCommand option looks like pnpm pack. The plugin expects the pack file name to match npm naming conventions.

Advanced options:

  • packageJson - By default, the plugin reads package.json at rootDir to figure out the pack file name. If you want something else, provide this option an Object that has name and version attributes just like package.json does.
  • mover - Async method that moves the pack file. Signature looks like this: async (fullPackFilePath, fullTargetPackFilePath) => {}. No return value is expected. An Error should be thrown on failure. By default the plugin provides a function to move the file.
  • shellCommand - An async method that creates the pack file when given the packCommand option value. No return value is expected, an Error should be thrown on failure. By default, the plugin uses execa.command to run packCommand.


Contributions are welcome. Please create a pull request.

I use pnpm instead of npm.


This project uses Github issues.

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npm i @toolbuilder/rollup-plugin-create-pack-file

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  • toolbuilder