English | 简体中文
TUICallKit is a UIKit component for audio and video calls developed by Tencent Cloud. By integrating this component, you can easily add video calling functionality to your app with just a few lines of code.
- Online Demo
- Changelog
- API Documents
- We offer TUICallKit for Web, Android, iOS, MiniProgram, Flutter, explore more in trtc.io.
TUICallKit supports major modern browsers. For details, please refer to Browsers Supported.
Please be sure to use HTTPS protocol or localhost to deploy your Web App, otherwise a navigator.mediaDevices not found error will occur!
Chrome |
Edge |
Firefox |
Safari |
iOS Safari |
Opera |
56+ | 80+ | 56+ | 11+ | 11+ | 46+ |
npm install @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue2.6 --save
yarn add @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue2.6
Refer to the following two tutorials for a quick run-through of the demo and how to use the TUICallKit to implement basic audio and video calling functionality.
Explore TUICallKit API documents:TUICallKit API
- Initialize TUICallKit init
- Start one-to-one call call
- Start group call groupCall
- Set language setLanguage
- Set user nickname and avatar setSelfInfo
- Customize the user's incoming call ringtone setCallingBell
- Enable/Disable floating window enableFloatWindow
- Enable/Disable incoming call ringtone enableMuteMode
- Destroyed the TUICallKit instance destroyed
├── debug
├── src // component source file
├── types // ts declaration file
├── README-zh_CN.md
├── README.md
├── package.json
├── tuicall-uikit-vue2.6.es.js // sdk file base on ES modules
└── tuicall-uikit-vue2.6.umd.js // sdk file base on umd modules