
0.0.7 • Public • Published

test/rest is b0rked


aka. MOngoose On DYnamo

Make AWS Dynamo act more like Mongoose.

Wrapper around AWS Dynamo, bringing the API closer to Mongoose.


  • Dynalite shipped internally to help with debugging
  • All functions operate as promises, not callbacks
  • Schemas now support string types i.e. {type: String} is the same as {type: 'string'}
  • Object IDs (UUID/v4's) supported as a native type with {type: 'oid'}
  • Can trap calls to all functions via the Debug NPM (see below)
  • model.createMany() (this modules version of model.batchPut) works with batches and thread limits
  • Usual collection of Mongoose like functionality: model.count, model.find{,One,OneByID}, model.{delete,update}{OneByID,One,Many}
  • Functionality to quickly load from a file - model.loadData(path|collection)
  • Express compatible ReST server out-of-the-box
  • index attribute can now take more shorthand values
  • Statics / Methods / Virtuals support
  • The value schema field can force a value to be set on each write operation - e.g. {edited: {type: 'date', value: (doc, iter, docPath, schemaPath) => new Date()}}
var my = require('@momsfriendlydevco/moody');
await my.connect(); // By default uses Dynalite so no config needed for minimal tests

// Declare a schema which to validate against
my.schema('widgets', { 
	id: {type: 'oid'},
	title: {type: 'string', required: true},
	color: {type: 'string'},

// Make a new widget
var myWidget = await my.models.widgets.create({ 
	title: 'Foo',
	color: 'red',

// Update the widget by its primary key
await my.models.widgets.updateOneByID(myWidget.id, {color: 'purple'});

// Delete it
await my.models.widgets.deleteOneByID(myWidget.id);


  • [x] Basic implementation
  • [x] CRUD lifecycle
  • [x] Testkits
  • [x] ReST server
  • [x] Scenario support
  • [x] Model.virtual()
  • [x] Model.method()
  • [x] Model.static()
  • [ ] Model.emit() / Model.on()
  • [x] Model.serve properties: queryForce, queryValidate
  • [x] schemaAttribute.value()
  • [ ] schema{type=array} should default to []
  • [ ] schema{type=map} should default to {}
  • [ ] query.cache (prevent duplicate queries and cache results, currently just a stub)
  • [x] query.select (soft, use JS to do the work)
  • [x] query.select (hard, pass onto Dynamo)
  • [x] query.sort (soft, use JS to do the work)
  • [ ] query.sort (hard, pass onto Dynamo)
  • [x] query.limit is not honored during a query
  • [ ] query.skip is not honored during a query
  • [x] Query.find() needs to reuse indexes instead of doing stupid scan() operations every time
    • [ ] Testkit: Reject unknown fields
  • [x] Scan warnings
  • [ ] model.updateMany(), model.deleteMany() could be improved by using better logic to reuse indexes rather than doing a query to fetch the ID's then acting on those


This module uses the debug NPM module for debugging. To enable set the environment variable to DEBUG=moody or DEBUG=moody* for detail.

For example:

DEBUG=moody node myFile.js

If you want detailed module information (like what exact functions are calling queued), set DEBUG=moody:detail.



Main instance of the Moody database driver.


Dynamoose instance.


Storage for global settings.

Setting Type Default Description
aws Object See code AWS configuration settings
aws.enabled Boolean false Use actual AWS connection
createMany Object See below Settings which change the behaviour of createMany()
createMany.threads Number 1 How many parallel threads should be allowed
createMany.batchSize Number 100 How many documents per batch
dynalite Object See below Settings which change the behaviour of Dynalite
dynalite.enabled Boolean true Whether Dynalite should be used
dynalite.port Number 8000 What port to run Dynalite on
dynalite.path String undefined Path on disk to stort the Dynalite instance
dynalite.ssl String false Whether to use SSL encodig with Dynalite
dynalite.createTableMs Number 500 See Dynalite documentation
dynalite.deleteTableMs Number 500 See Dynalite documentation
dynalite.updateTableMs Number 500 See Dynalite documentation
dynalite.maxItemSizeKb Number 400 See Dynalite documentation
extraTypes Boolean true Include oid and pointer default types within schemas
indexes Object See below Settings which change how indexes are used
indexes.forceScan Boolean false Force using the scan method rather than attempting to match to an index
indexes.scanWarning Boolean false Output a warning to a console whenever the scan method is used
local Object See below Settings which change how local Dyanmo servers behave
local.enabled Boolean false Whether to use a local server
local.uri String 'http://localhost:8000' Local server URI to connect to
query Object {} Default properties to populate into a query
serve Object {} Defaults to pass to moody.serve()
tables Object {} Default table options
tables.create Boolean true Create the table if it does not already exist
tables.prefix String "" Prefix used when naming tables
tables.suffix String "" Suffix used when naming tables
tables.update Boolean false Update local indexes from remote


Object for all loadded models. These can be set with moody.set().

moody.set(key, val)

Set a single setting by key or merge config. If an object is passed the entire object is merged with the moody.settings object.


Connect to AWS or spawn a Dynalite instance. Returns a promise.


Disconnect from AWS or close a Dynalite instance. Returns a promise.

moody.schema(id, schema, options)

Declare a model schema. All models are automatically available via moody.models.

Each schema entry has the following properties:

Name Type Default Description
index Boolean / String false Specifies indexing (see below for possible values)
type * / String / Object Specify field type, both JS natives (e.g. Boolean, Number) and strings (e.g. 'boolean', 'number') are supported. Additional types can be added via my.schemaType(). If an object is given this corresponds with the Dynamoose index definition
default * Specify the default value to use when creating a new document
forceDefault Boolean false Always force the default value being used on first write, even if a value is specified
value Function / Promise Set calculated value on each write even if a value is provided. Called as (doc, iter). See notes
required Boolean false Check that the field has a value before saving, null and undefined are not accepted
trim Boolean false With strings, remove all surrounding whitespace
validate Function, RegExp, * Specify a validation function to run when setting the value
enum Array Specify valid options with a string
lowercase Boolean false Force incoming values to lowercase
uppercase Boolean false Force incoming values to UPPERCASE
set Function Function to transform the given value before DB write
get Function Function to transform the raw DB value before passing it to the application
toDynamo Function Function to transform the entire field into a Dynamo response
fromDynamo Function Inverse of toDynamo


  • The index value can be any of the following extended types:
    • 'primary' - use as primary key / parition key / hash key
    • 'sort' - use as range key
    • true - use as a secondary index
    • false - disable indexing (implied default)
    • (A string) - Implied {global: true, project: true, name: STRING}
    • (An object) - passthru to Dynamoose
  • The value tag is only processed when not using .lean() in queries. To update an existing document by its ID use my.MODEL.findOneByID(id).update(patch) for example and not my.model.updateOneByID(id, patch) as the latter updates directly to Dynamo and bypasses Moody's schema system.
  • If present the value function is called as (doc, iter, docPath, schemaPath) where doc is the current document and iter is the iterable context. For example if the value is being set inside an array of 3 items it will be called three times with the doc being the same and iter being all occurances of that value being calculated - each array value

See model for available model options.

moody.schemaType(id, definition)

Declare a custom schema type. If supplied with an object it is used as the default specification of a single schema item (i.e. doesn't overwrite existing fields). If a function is supplied it is called as (schemaNode, model, moody) and expected to mutate the schemaNode in place.

moody.serve(model, options)

Return an Express middleware layer for a model.

// Create a simple ReST server of 'users' with default options
app.use('/api/users', moody.serve('users'))

// Create a ReST server where widgets can be created, updated and deleted as well as the default queries
app.use('/api/widgets', moody.serve('widgets', {
	create: true,
	save: true,
	delete: (req, res, next) => res.send('Are you sure you should be deleting that?'),

Available options:

Field Type Default Description
id String "id" Where to look in req.params for the document ID to get/update/delete
countToken String "count" Special case to of req.params[options.param] when to count documents rather than query them
get Boolean, Array or Function true Enable getting of records or specify middleware(s) to execute beforehand
query Boolean, Array or Function true Enable querying of records or specify middleware(s) to execute beforehand
count Boolean, Array or Function true Enable counting of records or specify middleware(s) to execute beforehand
create Boolean, Array or Function false Enable creating of records or specify middleware(s) to execute beforehand
save Boolean, Array or Function save Enable updating of records or specify middleware(s) to execute beforehand
delete Boolean, Array or Function false Enable deleting of records or specify middleware(s) to execute beforehand
softQuery Boolean false Enable soft querying for this interface
queryForce Object or Function Override the incomming req.query object with either a static object or an evaluated promise returns. Called as (req)
queryValidate Function Validate an incomming query, similar to queryForce. Throw an error to reject. Called as (req).
errorHandler Function How to handle errors, default is to use Expresses res.status(code).send(text) method. Called as (res, code, text)

moody.scenario(input, options)

Accept a glob of files (can be an array) and import them. JSON and JS files (with an export) are accepted. The meta field $ is used to reference fields, with any value starting with $ getting that fields value.

module.exports = {
	actors: [
		{$: '$actors.daniel_bruhl', name: 'Daniel Bruhl'},
		{$: '$actors.chris_hemsworth', name: 'Chris Hemsworth'},
		{$: '$actors.olivia_wilde', name: 'Olivia Wilde'},
		{$: '$actors.natalie_portman', name: 'Natalie Portman'},
		{$: '$actors.tom_hiddleston', name: 'Tom Hiddleston'},
	movies: [
			title: 'Rush',
			year: 2013,
			actors: [

Options are:

Option Type Default Description
postCreate function Function to run whenever a document is created, called as (modelId, count)
postRead function v=>v A (promisable) function which can mutate the combined object schema before processing
postStats function Called when all processing has finished with a stats object for how many of each record were created
nuke boolean false Remove + recreate each table in the final schema before processing
therads number 3 How many documents to attempt to create at once


A Moody model which was registered via moody.schema(id, schema). Note that this constructor actually returns a Promise which will resolve to the created model when complete.


  • query - Emitted as (queryData) when running a query with a valid index
  • queryScan - Emitted as (queryData) when falling back to using scans


Internal model settings.

Name Type Default Description
idField String id The primary key of the model
deleteExisting Boolean false Erase any existing table, along with its data, before attempting to create a new one

model.create(doc, options)

Create a single document. Returns a promise.


Create multiple documents in an array. Operates in batches. Returns a promise.


Create a query instance with an initially populated query. Acts like a promise.


Shorthand for model.find(query).one().


Shorthand for model.find({[model.settings.idField]: id}).one().


Shorthand for model.find({[model.settings.idField]: id}).count().

model.updateOneByID(query, patch)

Update a document by its ID. Returns a promise. Note that this update methods patches directly to the Dyanmo instance and does NOT process virtuals or value attributes. If you want this behaviour use query.findOneByID(id).update(patch) instead.

model.updateOne(query, patch)

Find a single document and patch it. Returns a promise.

model.updateMany(query, patch)

Find a multiple documents and patch them. Returns a promise.

model.deleteOneByID(query, patch)

Delete a document by its ID. Returns a promise.


Find a single document and delete it. Returns a promise.


Find a multiple documents and delete them. Returns a promise.


Accept a filename or input object and perform a model.createMany() operation. Returns a promise.


Shorthand for moody.serve(id, options).

model.static(name, func)

Extend a MoodyModel to include the named function. This is really just an easier way of handling mixins with models.

// Create another way of counting users
my.models.users.static('countUsers', ()=> my.model.users.count());

my.models.users.countUsers(); //= {Promise <Number>}

model.method(name, func)

Extend a MoodyDocument instance to include the named function. This function is effecively glued onto and documents returned via find (or its brethren).

// Set the users status to invalid via a method
my.model.users.method('setInvalid', function() {
	this.status = 'invalid';

my.models.users.findOne({username: 'bad@user.com'})
	.then(user => user.setInvalid())

model.virtual(name, getter, setter)

Define a virtual field which acts like a getter / setter when accessed. All virtual methods are called as (doc) and expected to return a value which is assigned to their field.

my.model.users.virtual('fullName', function() { return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName });


Create the table. This function is called automatically with the constructor. Returns a promise.


Drop the table from the database. This function is called automatically with the constructor if {settings.deleteExisting: true}. Returns a promise.

Options are:

Option Type Default Description
ignoreNotExist boolean true Ignore errors that the table doesn't already exist


The Moody query object. This is a chainable instance which executes itself when any Promise method is called i.e. then, catch or `finally.


Merge the internal query to execute with the provided one.


Transform the query output into a count of documents rather than the document itself.


Applies "soft" Sift criteria. These are filters that are applied after the initial database pull to further reduce the data.


Set the maximum number of documents to return.


Ignore the first number of documents in a return.


Specify an array, CSV or list of fields to provide from the query rather than the entire object.


Specify an array, CSV or list of sort criteria. Reverse sorting is provided by prefixing the field with -.


Return only the first match from a query as an object - rather than a collection.


Do not decorate the found documents with the model prototype - this skips the prototype methods being added.


Perform the query and remove all matching documents.


Perform the query and update all matching documents with the specified fields. Note that if lean is enabled virtuals and fields with the value attribute cannot be processed also.

query.cache(time) / query.cached(time)

Attempt to locate a duplicate query and attach to its handler if present. If not, execute the query holding the result until the expiry. Other cached queries will then use its return until the time expires.

This funciton is intended to reduce the workload on the database when doing trivial fetches.

Time can be any valid timestring.


Force the index used when running the query.


Execute the query and return a promise. This is automatically invoked with any promise like function call - then, catch and finally.


The return value of a Moody query.

document.$each(path, func)

Iterate down a document schema path running a function on all matching endpoints. With one (dotted notation) path this acts the same as _.set() but if any of the nodes are arrays all branching endpoints are mapped via the function. Returns a Promise.

document.$eachDocumentNode(path, func)

Iterate down a document (Note: not a schema, use document.$each() for that) and set paths. With one (dotted notation) path this acts the same as _.set() but if any of the nodes are arrays all branching endpoints are mapped via the function. Returns a Promise.

document.$set(path, value)

Set the value of a dotted notation path, evaluating the value if its a promise. Note: Unlike document.$each this does not resolve relative to the schema path, just the plain object. Returns a Promise.


Convert the curent MoodyDocument to a plain object. This will resolve all virtuals and value keys. Returns a Promise.


Save the current Moody document back to the database. Patch is an optional object of fields to merge before saving. Returns a Promise.


Delete the current Moody document. Returns a Promise.

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