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2.1.0 • Public • Published

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@mdaemon/items-model, A basic items Map model library with TypeScript support

Includes MDaemon's Emitter library as a dependency

[ @mdaemon/items-model on npm ]

The "items-model" provides basic methods for manipulating an array of objects based on a constructor


  $ npm install @mdaemon/items-model --save  

Node CommonJS

    const ItemsModel = require("@mdaemon/items-model/dist/items-model.cjs");

Node Modules

    import ItemsModel from "@mdaemon/items-model/dist/items-model.mjs";  


    <script type="text/javascript" src="/path_to_modules/dist/items-model.umd.js"></script>
    <!-- necessary for versions < 2.0.0 -->
    <script type="text/javascript">window.ItemsModel = window["items-model"];</script>


  class Car {
    id = 0;
    make = "";
    model = "";
    color = "";
  class Cars extends ItemsModel {
    constructor() {
        itemConstructor: Car,
        itemName: "Car"
  // or
  // if you do not include an id attribute like below, a numbered id will be assigned
  function Car(config) {
    this.make = "";
    this.model = "";
    this.color = "";

    Object.assign(this, config);
  function Cars() { 
    Object.assign(this, new ItemsModel({
      itemConstructor: Car,
      itemName: "Car"
  const carsModel = new Cars();

  // returns the name set for the model items
  carsModel.getName(); // "Car";

  // empties the internal items Map
  // adds a new Car to the items Map with only the config object
  carsModel.add({ make: "Honda", model: "Element", color: "gray" });
  // emits "added-Car" and "indexed-Car"
  // gets the internal items Map
  carsModel.getAll(); // [Car]

  // gets all the ids from the items Map

  // gets a copy of the internal items Map, so that manipulation of the items in the array do not impact the internal array
  carsModel.getCopies(); // [Car]

  // gets a copy of the requested item by id, so that manipulation of the item does not impact the internal item
  carsModel.getCopy(0); // Car
  carsModel.getCopy(1); // null

  // gets an item from the internal items Map based on the id
  carsModel.getById(0); // Car
  carsModel.getById(1); // null

  // gets the index of a given item in the internal array
  carsModel.getIndex(0); // 0
  carsModel.getIndex(1); // -1

  // gets the first item from the internal items Map based on an attribute/value combination
  carsModel.getByAttribute("make", "Honda"); // Car
  carsModel.getByAttribute("model", "Odyssey"); // null

  carsModel.getFirstByAttribute("make", "Honda"); // Car -- this is an alias for getByAttribute

  // gets all the items from the internal array based on an attribute/value combination
  carsModel.getAllByAttribute("make", "Honda"); // [Car]
  carsModel.getAllByAttribute("model", "Odyssey"); // []

  // sets the values passed in an object based on the id
  // returns success true or false
  carsModel.setAttributes(0, { model: "Odyssey", color: "blue" }); // true
  carsModel.setAttributes(1, { model: "Odyssey" }); // false

  // sets the values for all matching items
  // returns an array of objects that use the id and success true or false
  carsModel.setAttributesByAttr("model", "Odyssey", { color: "gray" }); // [{ 0: true }]

  // inserts or updates the passed items after the parent id
  // returns success true or false
  carsModel.insert(0, [{ make: "Toyota", model: "Camry", color: "tan" }]); // true
  carsModel.insert(2, [{ make: "Toyota", model: "Carolla", color: "red" }]); // false because a parent of id 2
  //emits "inserted-Car"

  // upsert is an alias for insert
  carsModel.upsert(1, [{ id: 0, model: "Element" }]); // true

  // similar to set attributes, except the full object is expected (including the id)
  // returns success true or false
  carsModel.update({ id: 1, make: "Toyota", model: "Camry", color: "brown" }); // true
  // emits "updated-Car"
  // removes the item from the internal items Map based on the id
  // returns success true or false
  carsModel.remove(1); // true
  carsModel.remove(2); // false
  // emits "removed-Car"


Breaking change: Instead of window["items-model"], window.ItemsModel must be used for umd builds.

See @mdaemon/emitter for how to details on the event emitter


Published under the LGPL-2.1 license.

Published by
MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.
Simple Secure Email


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