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0.1.4 • Public • Published


npm version MIT TypeScript Vite

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Vite plugin to compress static assets and public images using imagemin. With persistent cache.

  • This package is currently unstable.
    • Breaking changes may occur without any notice, even if in patch releases.
    • See CHANGELOG for changes.
  • This package only works as ESM.
    • "type": "module" is required in the package.json of the project using this plugin.


$ npm install @macropygia/vite-plugin-imagemin-cache


import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import imageminPlugin from '@macropygia/vite-plugin-imagemin-cache'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      cacheDir: '.cache',
      concurrency: 4,
      plugins: {
        pngquant: { quality: [0.65, 1] },
        mozjpeg: { quality: 85 },


Parameter Type Default Required
cacheDir string node_modules/.imagemin No
expireDuration number 864000 (10 Days) No
countToExpire number 10 No
concurrency number os.cpus().length No
exclude string | string[] No
plugins object {} No
asset.cachbuster boolean | string false No
asset.useCrc boolean (Auto) No
asset.preventOverwrite boolean false No
public.preventDefault boolean false No


Set the cache directory.

  • The directory structure is as same as the destination.

expireDuration, countToExpire

Cache files will delete when the following conditions are satisfied.

  • The file did not use in the last countToExpire times of the build.
  • Over expireDuration seconds have passed since last used.


The maximum concurrency of compressing.


Glob patterns to exclude from compression.


Imagemin plugin settings.

  • Following plugins are available with these extensions.
  • If the setting is empty, the plugin will run with its default settings.
  • If set to false , it will be disabled.
  • If settings about quality have changed, the cache must be cleared.


plugins: {
  pngquant: { speed: 1, quality: [0.6, 1.0] },
  optipng: false, // Turn off
  mozjpeg: { quality: 85 },
  svgo: { plugins: [ ... ] },

asset.cachebuster (>= 0.1, experimental)

Add hash as a query string to attributes that references an image in HTML.

  • Only works with HTML.
  • If set true , join with ? .
    • /foo/bar.png -> /foo/bar.png?<hash>
    • /foo/baz.svg?q=123#id -> /foo/baz.svg?<hash>&q=123#id
  • If set string , join with the string.
    • /foo/bar.png -> /foo/bar.png<string><hash>
    • /foo/baz.svg?q=123#id -> /foo/baz.svg<string><hash>&q=123#id

asset.useCrc (>= 0.1, experimental)

If set true , the plugin process static assets in the same way as the public directory.

  • Normally, no need to use.
  • This is prepared for complex settings in rollupOptions.output.assetFileNames .
    • Set to true if [hash] is not included in assetFileNames.

asset.preventOverwrite (>= 0.1, experimental)

If the file with the same name exists in the output directory, skip copying from the cache.

  • Do not use this option if the file name of static assets doesn't contain [hash] .
  • No need to enable this option unless handling a huge number of images.
  • Disable automatically when emptyOutDir is true .

public.preventDefault (>= 0.1, experimental)

Stop Vite's default copy process for the public directory and copy compressed images and the others separately.

  • By default, compressed images are overwritten after Vite copies all files in the public directory.
  • This option will change true by default in a future release.

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npm i @macropygia/vite-plugin-imagemin-cache

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  • macropygia