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1.1.0 • Public • Published



A simple singly-linked immutable stack data structure. A stack is composed of immutable stack frames, each of which supports the full stack API.

Package includes Typescript libdefs. Suitable for node or browser environments. Supports native es imports in node > 13.2.


import emptyStack from '@iter-tools/immutable-stack'; // OR
const emptyStack = require('@iter-tools/immutable-stack');

const stack = emptyStack.push('Hello', 'world');
stack.size; // 2
stack.size; // 'world'
stack.peek(); // 'world'
stack.pop().peek(); // 'Hello'
stack.pop().pop(); // emptyStack
[...stack]; // ['Hello', 'world']

Access to the underlying ImmutableStackFrame class is not required for ordiary usage, but can be achieved easily:

import { ImmutableStackFrame } from '@iter-tools/immutable-stack'; // OR
const ImmutableStackFrame = require('@iter-tools/immutable-stack').constructor;

Until Typescript supports package exports you must enable esModuleInterop to use this module.


 * Each frame stores a `value` and a reference to the previous (`prev`) frame.
 * Each frame also caches `size` for performance reasons.
declare class ImmutableStackFrame<T> {
   * Returns true if `inst` is an `ImmutableStackFrame`.
   * This does not necessarily imply instanceof, but the check
   * is safe across frame boundaries, as it is done by looking for
   * `inst[Symbol.for('@iter-tools/immutable-stack')]`
  static isImmutableStack(inst: any): boolean;

   * Instead of `new Stack(iterable)` use `emptyStack.concat(iterable)`
  protected constructor();

   * The number of values stored in the stack. O(1) cost.
  readonly size: number;

   * The previous frame in the stack
  readonly prev: ImmutableStackFrame<T>;

   * The value stored in the current stack frame.
  readonly value: T;

   * Returns a new stack with the specified `values` on top.
  push<V>(...values: Array<V>): ImmutableStackFrame<T | V>;

   * Returns a new stack without its top value.
   * emptyStack.pop === emptyStack
  pop(): ImmutableStackFrame<T>;

   * Returns this.value
  peek(): T;

   * Returns a new stack with the specified `values` in place
   * of the previous top values.
  replace<V>(...values: Array<V>): ImmutableStackFrame<T | V>;

   * Returns a new stack with the values in `iterable` on top.
  concat<V>(iterable: Iterable<V>): ImmutableStackFrame<T | V>;

   * Returns a new stack with the values in reverse order.
  reverse(): ImmutableStackFrame<T>;

   * Calls `cb(value)` for each value stored in the stack
  forEach(cb: (value: T) => any): void;

   * Returns an iterator over the values in insertion order
  values(): IterableIterator<T>;

   * Returns an iterator over the values in reverse insertion order
  valuesReverse(): IterableIterator<T>;

   * Equivalent to `values()`
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;

   * Returns an iterator over the stack frames from top to bottom
  protected __iterateReverse(): IterableIterator<

declare var emptyStack: ImmutableStackFrame<never>;

export { ImmutableStackFrame };
export default emptyStack;

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