
0.0.5 • Public • Published


Kitchen Sink (kinda) AWS Layer for AWS Lambda functions built on NestJS v8

Deploying to your AWS account

Coming soon

Batteries included

Here's the list of packages provided by this layer:

Package Version Why?
@nestjs/common ^8.0.4 NestJS Core Dependencies
@nestjs/core ^8.0.4 NestJS Core Dependencies
@nestjs/bull ^0.4.0 Redis-based External Queues
bull ^3.3 Redis-based External Queues
@nestjs/config ^1.0.1 Configuration
@nestjs/cqrs ^8.0.0 Command Query Responsibility Segregation
@nestjs/elasticsearch ^8.0.0 Elasticsearch Integration
@elastic/elasticsearch ^7.4.0 Elasticsearch Integration
@nestjs/event-emitter ^1.0.0 In-App Event Emitter
eventemitter2 =6.4.4 In-App Event Emitter
@nestjs/graphql ^8.0.2 GraphQL APIs
@apollo/federation ^0.26.0 GraphQL APIs
@apollo/gateway ^0.33.0 GraphQL APIs
apollo-server-core =2.21.1 GraphQL APIs
graphql ^14.5.0 GraphQL APIs
@nestjs/passport ^8.0.0 Passport-based Auth
passport ^0.4.0 Passport-based Auth
@nestjs/jwt ^8.0.0 Passport-based Auth
@nestjs/platform-express ^8.0.4 Express on AWS Lambda
@vendia/serverless-express ^4.3.9 Express on AWS Lambda
express ^4.17.1 Express on AWS Lambda
@nestjs/serve-static ^2.2.2 Static File Serving
@nestjs/swagger ^5.0.8 REST APIs
swagger-ui-express ^4.1.6 REST APIs
@nestjs/throttler ^2.0.0 Request Rate Limiting
@nestjs/mongoose ^8.0.0 MongoDB Support
mongoose ^5.12.4 MongoDB Support
cache-manager ^3.4.4 Other NestJS Dependencies
class-transformer ^0.4.0 Other NestJS Dependencies
class-validator ^0.13.1 Other NestJS Dependencies
@nestjs/mapped-types ^1.0.0 Other NestJS Dependencies
reflect-metadata ^0.1.13 Other NestJS Dependencies
rxjs ^7.2.0 Other NestJS Dependencies


As a NodeJS dependency in your project

In your project directory:

yarn add @getsaas/layer-nestjs-v8


npm i -S @getsaas/layer-nestjs-v8

Now when you build and deploy your lambda function, the node_modules directory will include all dependencies in the layer.

As an AWS Lambda layer

In your project directory:

yarn add -D @getsaas/layer-nestjs-v8


npm i -D @getsaas/layer-nestjs-v8

When you build your lambda function for deployment, make sure to only install production dependencies. Then:

  1. Go to the details page for your AWS Lambda Function,
  2. Click on Layers and then on Add a layer,
  3. Select Custom layers (Choose a layer from a list of layers created by your AWS account or organization.) as the Layer source,
  4. From the Custom layers dropdown list, select getsaas-layer-nestjs-v8 and select the appropriate layer version:

Provide layer ARN

Dependencies (34)

Dev Dependencies (2)

Package Sidebar


npm i @getsaas/layer-nestjs-v8

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  • cbnsndwch