
2.0.2 • Public • Published

Micromark Extension Gridtables

Micormark extension to parse markdown gridtables.


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Grid Tables

What is this?

This package contains extensions that add support for gridtables to micromark.

When to use this

These tools are all low-level. In many cases, you want to use @adobe/remark-gridtables with remark instead.

When working with mdast-util-from-markdown, you must combine this package with @adobe/mdast-util-gridtables.


GridTables look like this:

| Table Headings    | Here |
| Sub    | Headings | Too  |
| cell   | column spanning |
| spans  +---------:+------+
| rows   |   normal | cell |
|        | cells can be    |
|        | *formatted*     |
|        | **paragraphs**  |
|        | ```             |
| multi  | and contain     |
| line   | blocks          |
| cells  | ```             |
| footer |    cells |      |
  • the top of a cell must be indicated by +- followed by some - or + and finished by -+.
  • if the table contains a footer but no header, the top row should use = as grid line.
  • col spans are indicated by missing column (|) delimiters
  • row spans are indicated by missing row (-) delimiters
  • cells can be left, center, right, or justify aligned; indicated by the placement of : or ><
  • cells can be top, middle, or bottom v-aligned; indicated by the placement of arrows (v ^ x)
  • the header and footer sections are delimited by section delimiters (=).
  • if no section delimiters are present, all cells are placed in the table body.
  • if only 1 section delimiter is present, it delimits header from body.
  • the content in cells can be a full Markdown document again. note, that the cell boundaries (|) need to exactly match with the column markers (+) in the row delimiters, if the cell content contains |, otherwise the correct layout of the table can't be guaranteed.


The table layout tries to keep the table within a certain width (default 120). For example, if the table has 3 columns, each column will be max 40 characters wide. If all text in a column is smaller, it will shrink the columns. However, cells have a minimum width (default 10) when text needs to be broken. If the cell contents need more space, e.g. with a nested table or code block, it will grow accordingly.


Horizontal align is indicated by placing markers at the grid line above the cell:

Justify     Center     Left       Right
+>-----<+  +:-----:+  +:------+  +------:+
| A b C |  |  ABC  |  | ABC   |  |   ABC |
+-------+  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+

Vertical align is indicated by placing markers at the center of the grid line above the cell:

Top        Middle     Bottom
+---^---+  +---x---+  +---v---+
| Larum |  |       |  |       |
| Ipsum |  | Larum |  |       |
|       |  | Ipsum |  | Larum |
|       |  |       |  | Ipsum |
+-------+  +-------+  +-------+


gridTable := gridLine cellLine+ gridLine;
gridLine := gridCell+ "+";
cellLine := ( gridCell | cellContent )+ ( "+" | "|" );   
gridCell := "+" alignMarkerStart? ("-" | "=")+ vAlignMarker? ("-" | "=")* alignMarkerEnd?;
cellContent := ( "+" | "|" ) " " content " " ;
alignMarkerStart := ":" | ">";
alignMarkerEnd   := ":" | "<";
vAlignMarker     := "^" | "v" | "x"


Parsing with unified

import { unified } from 'unified';
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse';
import { remarkGridTable } from '@adobe/remark-gridtables';

const mdast = unified()

Generating HAST

import { toHast, defaultHandlers } from 'mdast-util-to-hast';
import { mdast2hastGridTableHandler, TYPE_TABLE } from '@adobe/helix-markdown-support/gridtable';

const hast = toHast(mdast, {
  handlers: {
    [TYPE_TABLE]: mdast2hastGridTableHandler(),
  allowDangerousHtml: true,

Generating HTML

import {micromark} from 'micromark'
import {gridTables, gridTablesHtml} from '@adobe/micromark-extension-gridtables'

const html = micromark(markdown, {
  extensions: [gfmTable],
  htmlExtensions: [gfmTableHtml]



$ npm install @adobe/micromark-extension-gridtables



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