
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Android Studio - An IDE for Android Development

Crafted by Megabyte Labs

An Ansible role that installs Android Studio and sets up Android SDKs on nearly any OS

Table of Contents


This repository is the home of an Ansible role that installs Android Studio and sets up Android SDKs on nearly any OS. Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Google's Android operating system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development. This role installs Android Studio on nearly any operating system and also ensures a configurable list of command-line tools and SDKs are installed and seamlessly integrated with the system (i.e. the role adds the appropriate items to the PATH environment variable).


Ensures Android Studio is installed:

  • Installs Android Studio on Archlinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, macOS, Ubuntu, and Windows
  • Ensures command-line tools are downloaded, installed, and available in the PATH

Ensures configured Android SDKs are present:

  • Installs a configurable list of Android SDKs and Tools to user(s) home folder(s)
  • Ensures Android SDK tools like adb are present in PATH
  • Updates ~/.bashrc to include SDK tools in PATH on Linux systems
  • Updates ~/.zshrc to include SDK tools in PATH on Linux systems
  • Updates PATH on Windows systems

Quick Start

Looking to install Android Studio without having to deal with Ansible? Simply run the following command that correlates to your operating system:


curl -sS https://install.doctor/androidstudio | bash


Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://install.doctor/androidstudio?os=win'))

Important Note: Before running the commands above you should probably directly access the URL to make sure the code is legit. We already know it is safe but, before running any script on your computer, you should inspect it.

You can also check out Install Doctor. It is an app we created that can install any Ansible role with a one-liner. It has some other nifty features too like the ability to install binaries on-the-fly without requiring a password. However, if you would like to incorporate this role into an Ansible playbook (and customize settings) then please continue reading below.


This role contains variables that you can customize. The variables you can customize are located in defaults/main.yml. By default, the variables use sensible defaults but you may want to customize the role depending on your use case. The variables, along with descriptions, are listed below:

Name Default Value Description
android_sdks [] The list of SDKs and tools to install after Android Studio is installed. If no value is provided, the latest version of the SDKs and tools will be installed. Use the correct format, which can be found by executing sdkmanage --list after the CLI tools are installed; some package need a version to be specified and some do not.
sdk_location "" The folder to set as the SDK location
user_configs [] The user_configs variable is an array of objects that should, at the very least have the username property defined for each user with a home directory that you would like this role to install the Android SDK tools into. If the system property is set to true, then the SDK tools will not be installed to that user's home directory. You can control the installation location with the sdk_location variable.

Variable Examples


#💬 Example implementation of the android_sdks variable
  - platform-tools
  - emulator
  - build-tools;30.0.0
  - platforms;android-30
  - sources;android-30
  - patcher;v4


#💬 Example implementation of the sdk_location variable
sdk_location: ~/Android/Sdk


#💬 Example implementation of the user_configs variable
  - username: myuser
  - username: root
    system: true

Supported Operating Systems

The chart below shows the operating systems that we have tested this role on. It is automatically generated using the Ansible Molecule tests located in the molecule/ folder. There is CI logic in place to automatically handle the testing of Windows, macOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, and Archlinux. If your operating system is not listed but is a variant of one of the systems we test (i.e. a Debian-flavored system or a RedHat-flavored system) then it is possible that the role will still work.

OS Family OS Version Status Idempotent Tested On
Debian 10 (Buster)
August 5th, 2021
Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)
August 5th, 2021
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
August 5th, 2021
Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo)
August 5th, 2021

What does idempotent mean? Idempotent means that if you run this role twice in row then there will be no changes to the system the second time around.

We spent a lot of time perfecting our CI configurations and build tools. If you are interested in learning more about how we perfected our process then you might find our Ansible common files and Ansible documentation repositories interesting. See the CONTRIBUTING.md guide for more details.


Most of our roles rely on Ansible Galaxy collections. Some of our projects are also dependent on other roles and collections that are published on Ansible Galaxy. Before you run this role, you will need to install the collection and role dependencies, as well as the Python requirements, by running:

if type poetry &> /dev/null; then poetry install --no-root; else pip3 install -r .config/assets/requirements.txt; fi
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Alternatively, you can simply run bash .config/scripts/start.sh if you are new to Ansible and do not mind the development requirements also being installed. This is the easy way of making sure that everything works properly.


Although the only tool necessary to run this play on a standard machine is Ansible (a Python package), we include several other Python dependencies that are required for specialized use cases and development. The table below details these packages:

Package Description Required
ansible A configuration management system that can remotely configure computers
docker Enables the capability of provisioning Docker containers with Ansible
python-vagrant Required for provisioning Vagrant VMs
pywinrm Required for provisioning Windows machines that are using WinRM
ansible-lint Linting tool for Ansible files
ansibler Custom tool used to generate advanced documentation (e.g. it generates the compatibility chart and some other charts)
black Python file auto-formatter included in case project utilizes Python test scripts
blocklint Linting tool that prevents certain words from entering the code base
flake8 Python linter that reports Python syntax and style errors
mod-ansible-autodoc Custom fork of ansible-autodoc which allows us to auto-generate documentation based on comments in the role's YAML files
molecule Test framework for Ansible
molecule-docker Molecule plugin for provisioning Docker containers
molecule-vagrant Molecule plugin for provisioning Vagrant VMs
pre-commit-hooks Suite of tools useful for linting
proselint Linter used to generate English-language improvements (used to improve documentation)
yamllint Linter for YAML files that ensures proper syntax and styling is used

Galaxy Roles

Although most of our roles do not have dependencies, there are some cases where another role has to be installed before the logic can continue. At the beginning of the play, the Ansible Galaxy role dependencies listed in meta/main.yml will run. These dependencies are configured to only run once per playbook. If you include more than one of our roles in your playbook that have dependencies in common then the dependency installation will be skipped after the first run. Some of our roles also utilize helper roles directly from the task files which helps keep our main playbook (Gas Station) DRY.

The requirements.yml file contains a full list of the Ansible Galaxy dependencies required by this role (i.e. meta/main.yml role dependencies, helper roles, collections, etc.). For your convenience, a list of the role dependencies along with quick descriptions is below:

Dependency Description
professormanhattan.snapd Description unavailable
professormanhattan.homebrew Description unavailable
professormanhattan.java Description unavailable

Galaxy Collections

This role is dependent on multiple Ansible Galaxy collections. The collections along with a links to their source are listed below.

  • chocolatey.chocolatey Ansible Galaxy badge
  • community.general Ansible Galaxy badge
  • google.cloud Ansible Galaxy badge

Example Playbook

With the dependencies installed, all you have to do is add the role to your main playbook. The role handles the become behavior so you can simply add the role to your playbook without having to worry about commands that should not be run as root:

- hosts: all
    - professormanhattan.androidstudio

If you are incorporating this role into a pre-existing playbook, then it might be prudent to copy the requirements outlined in pyproject.toml and requirements.yml to their corresponding files in the root of your playbook so you only have to worry about installing one set of requirements during future use. Note that the dependencies in pyproject.toml can be moved to the more traditional requirements.txt, if that is what you are currently using to track Python dependencies.

Real World Example

You can find an example of a playbook that incorporates this role in our main playbook (a.k.a. Gas Station). The playbook is an excellent example for someone learning how to use Ansible. It also incorporates a lot of well-thought out build tools that more advanced Ansible users can appreciate. And people who could care less about Ansible can also benefit from it because it allows you to more or less turn your computer (and network) into the ultimate development enivornment. The bottom line is that it is an awesome project that developers should know about!


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page. If you would like to contribute, please take a look at the contributing guide.


Dear Awesome Person,

I create open source projects out of love. Although I have a job, shelter, and as much fast food as I can handle, it would still be pretty cool to be appreciated by the community for something I have spent a lot of time and money on. Please consider sponsoring me! Who knows? Maybe I will be able to quit my job and publish open source full time.


Brian Zalewski

Open Collective sponsors GitHub sponsors Patreon


Copyright © 2020-2021 Megabyte LLC. This project is MIT licensed.

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  • professormanhattan