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36 packages found
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A Prettier plugin that formats the package.json file by leveraging the prettier-package-json CLI library
- automatic
- fix
- format
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- package
- package.json
- packagejson
- plugin
- prettier
- professormanhattan
- washingtondc
A semantic-release plugin for that supports both regular and Poetry projects
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- plugin
- poetry
- professormanhattan
- publish
- pypi
- pyproject
- python
- python package
- python3
- semantic
- semantic-release
- setupcfg
A semantic-release plugin for that supports both regular and Poetry projects. Fork of which is a fork of which moved to https://github.
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- plugin
- poetry
- professormanhattan
- publish
- pypi
- pyproject
- python
- python package
- python3
- semantic
- semantic-release
- setupcfg
ESLint configuration for linting TS, JS, JSON, YAML, and TOML
- editorconfig
- eslint
- eslint-config
- formatter
- javascript
- lint
- linter
- megabytelabs
- prettier
- professormanhattan
- schema
- toml
- tsdoc
- typescript
ESLint configuration for linting TS, JS, JSON, YAML, and TOML
- config
- editorconfig
- eslint
- eslint-config
- formatter
- javascript
- lint
- linter
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- prettier
- professormanhattan
- schema
- toml
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A semantic-release plugin for that supports both regular and Poetry projects
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- plugin
- poetry
- professormanhattan
- publish
- pypi
- pyproject
- python
- python package
- python3
- semantic
- semantic-release
- setupcfg
ESLint configuration for linting TS, JS, JSON, YAML, and TOML
- config
- editorconfig
- eslint
- eslint-config
- formatter
- javascript
- lint
- linter
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- prettier
- professormanhattan
- schema
- toml
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Bundles together an ambitious semantic-release shared configuration used across many project types
- bundle
- chrome
- config
- exec
- firefox
- git
- github
- gitlab
- library
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- npm
- package
- professormanhattan
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The official GitHub plugin, modified to accept repositoryUrl as a parameter
- git
- github
- issue
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- notifications
- plugin
- professormanhattan
- publish
- pull-request
- release
- semantic-release
- version
- washingtondc
An Ansible playbook that provisions your network with software from GitHub Awesome lists, developed with disaster recovery in mind ⛽🔥🤤
- ansible
- ansible-playbook
- ansible-role
- archlinux
- centos
- debian
- doctor
- fedora
- install
- installdoc
- installdoctor
- macos
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
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A changelog configuration for Semantic Release that supports emojis
- changelog
- config
- conventional-changelog
- emoji
- gitmoji
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- preset
- professormanhattan
- washingtondc
Commitizen configuration that follows the Conventional Changelog format with emoji support
A gorgeous TUI menu for go-task/task
Simplifies configuring Prettier by bundling plugins and configuring them in a single shareable configuration
A slim jscpd standalone linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
- ci
- codeclimate
- container
- docker
- dockerfile
- gitlab
- gitlab-ci
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- pipeline
- professormanhattan
- virtualization
- washingtondc
Installs Android Studio and sets up Android SDKs on nearly any OS
- adb
- android
- androidsdk
- androidstudio
- ansible
- ansible-role
- apps
- archlinux
- awesome
- centos
- debian
- desktop
- development
- doctor
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Generate documentation from comments in Ansible YML files
- advanced
- automation
- bandit
- beginner
- boilerplate
- cli
- easy
- gitlab-ci
- go
- go-lang
- golang
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- poetry
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Stylelint configuration with strict settings
- config
- css
- editorconfig
- formatter
- lint
- linter
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- prettier
- professormanhattan
- scss
- stylelint
- stylelint-config
- washingtondc
A tool that handles compressing, bundling, and unpacking production node_modules dependencies that you want to store in source control
- automation
- bin
- cli
- commander
- cosmicconfig
- go
- go-lang
- golang
- inquirer
- manpage
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- nestjs
- professormanhattan
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A slim YAMLLint container that can also serve as a GitLab CI-ready CodeClimate engine
- ci
- codeclimate
- container
- docker
- dockerfile
- gitlab
- gitlab-ci
- mblabs
- megabytelabs
- pipeline
- professormanhattan
- virtualization
- washingtondc