
  • Cordova Geolocation Plugin with Baidu Map Location SDK

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  • Baidu map navigation for Android and iOS

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  • Baidu panoramic view for Android and iOS

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  • Baidu hawkeye for Android and iOS

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  • Baidu trace for Android and iOS

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  • cordova plugin geoloaction with baidu SDK for android only

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  • A image cropper for mobile device.

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  • import mobileprovision file to your mac os

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  • import p12 into mac os

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  • 其中的依赖Cordova-lib需要修改文件才能正确使用打包功能

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  • - Use npm programmatically

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  • baidu push

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  • 其中的依赖Cordova-lib需要修改文件才能正确使用打包功能

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  • A exteral css deleting plugin for gulp

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  • ## Command line ``` security import ./bundle.p12 -P secretPassword ``` * import the 'bundle.p12' to the default keychain.

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  • ## Function - unlock-keychain - lock-keychain

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  • The `control-loader` is json loader moudle for webpack. It works for yigo2.0 in Boke Corp. ## Feature From ```json { "Login":"yes-native/Login" } ```

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  • number of bytes used to represent the characters

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