用于向 vue 项目编译后的 dom 上注入其对应编译前的代码在编辑器中位置信息的 webpack loader。<br/>
published 1.0.2 3 years ago用于向 vue 项目编译后的 dom 上注入其对应编译前的代码在编辑器中位置信息的 webpack loader。<br/>
published 1.0.0 3 years ago<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73059627/159161041-8f721c6e-8840-45f4-bf34-658223933b9f.png" width=160px" style="margin-bottom: 12px;" />
published 1.1.2 2 years ago<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73059627/159161041-8f721c6e-8840-45f4-bf34-658223933b9f.png" width=160px" style="margin-bottom: 12px;" />
published 1.1.2 2 years agoclick the element on the page, it will automatically open the code editor and position the cursor to the source code of the element
published 1.1.2 2 years agoA theme of vuepress2, which can help you focus on writing through simple configuration.
published 0.0.32 a year agoA webpack plugin that outputs the content compiled by webpack-dev-server to the file system.
published 1.0.7 2 years agoCodeSandbox 是一个在线代码编辑及实时预览的 UI 组件,支持浏览器环境下编写 `html/js/css/ts/vue/react` 等类型的代码并在沙盒环境下实时运行预览。
published 0.0.1-beta.1 2 years agoCodeSandbox 是一个在线代码编辑及实时预览的 UI 组件,支持浏览器环境下编写 `html/js/css/ts/vue/react` 等类型的代码并在沙盒环境下实时运行预览。
published 0.0.1-beta.1 2 years ago- published 0.0.1-beta.1 2 years ago
<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73059627/159161041-8f721c6e-8840-45f4-bf34-658223933b9f.png" width=160px" style="margin-bottom: 12px;" />
published 0.0.1-beta.1 2 years agoClick the dom on the page, it will open your IDE and position the cursor to the source code location of the dom.
published 0.16.1 12 days agoClick the dom on the page, it will open your IDE and position the cursor to the source code location of the dom.
published 0.16.1 12 days agoClick the dom on the page, it will open your IDE and position the cursor to the source code location of the dom.
published 0.16.1 12 days agoClick the dom on the page, it will open your IDE and position the cursor to the source code location of the dom.
published 0.16.1 12 days agoA vitepress plugin to preview component and display code
published 0.2.0-beta.3 a year ago<p align="center"> <p>CodePlayer 是一款轻量、免登录、极快运行速度的 WebIDE,可以在线编写 vue2/3、react 等应用代码并运行,性能远超 CodePen、CodeSandbox、Stackblitz 等同类的产品。</p> <a href="https://play.fe-dev.cn">在线体验</a> | <a href="https://play.fe-dev.cn/docs">使用手册</a> </p>
published 0.3.0 9 months agoClick the dom on the page, it will open your IDE and position the cursor to the source code location of the dom.
published 0.16.1 12 days ago