

  • Wheelybase is the core library of the Wheely widgets developed for calculation Dutch car costs.

    published 1.1.8 6 years ago
  • Wheely TCO widget. This widget delivers references to the TCOWidget class, that allows you to create a new stand-alone Wheely Widget. The widget expects certain parameters including your api key.

    published 1.1.5 6 years ago
  • Wheely TCO MMV widget. This widget delivers references to the TCOMMVWidget class, that allows you to create a new stand-alone Wheely MMV Widget. The widget expects certain parameters including your api key.

    published 1.0.13 6 years ago
  • The widget allows the user to pass a custom user situation and a licene plate so a bijtelling calculation can be returned. T Example widget at: https://codepen.io/rkuyper/full/xQQQPZ/.

    published 1.0.2 6 years ago
  • Wheely Search widget. This widget delivers references to the SearchWidget class, that allows you to create a new stand-alone Wheely Widget. The widget expects certain parameters including your api key.

    published 1.0.1 6 years ago