
  • A Cheerio-based HTML to TEXT converter. Usefull for email and using Cheerio to avoid multiple parsing when coupled with Juice.

    published 0.4.4 7 years ago
  • Locate the closest Amazon virtual store for a given location

    published 0.2.0 7 years ago
  • A very simple promise-based npm package to get http/https documents

    published 1.1.2-2 2 years ago
  • Simple object utilities

    published 0.2.4 4 years ago
  • A promise-based timer library

    published 2.2.1 2 years ago
  • Simple cache/single-argument memoiztion library

    published 1.1.1 4 years ago
  • Allow to override the html5 output of asciidoctor.js with pug templates

    published 0.8.0 6 years ago
  • Allow to override the html5 output of asciidoctor.js with pug templates

    published 0.8.3 6 years ago
  • Find the featured image URL from a web page

    published 0.3.2 2 years ago
  • Simple wrapper to access the linkedin API

    published 0.1.2 4 years ago
  • A backtracking parser for Node.js

    published 0.3.1 4 years ago
  • A PEG parser for Node.js

    published 0.0.11 4 years ago
  • A pure JavaScript implementation of the AsciiDoc document language for Node.

    published 0.0.1 4 years ago
  • Error utilities

    published 0.0.1-1 2 years ago