Create figma assets like icons, svg, images just by providing a fileId and the node where your components live.
published version 1.2.0, 5 years agoAsciidoctor transformer plugin for gatsby with converterFactory
published version 0.2.0, 6 years agoA utility that transforms tokens from Tokens Studio for Figma (formerly known as Figma Tokens) to a format that is readable by Style Dictionary.
published version 0.0.33, 2 years agoHelper functions for using Figma Tokens data
published version 0.0.6, 3 years ago- published version 0.0.12, 2 years ago
Internal tokens used throughout various tools.
published version 0.3.7, 2 months ago 
published version 1.0.14, a month agoShared library to be used for most of the resolving logic in the Tokens Studio plugin and other areas.
published version 0.0.57-beta, 2 years agoCustom transforms for Style-Dictionary, to work with Design Tokens that are exported from Tokens Studio
published version 1.2.9, 2 months ago 
published version 0.5.2, a month agoAn execution engine to handle Token Studios generators and resolvers
published version 4.5.0, a month agoA package to upgrade old graph engine files to the new format
published version 0.14.0, 3 months agoOnline IDE for configuring Style-Dictionary
published version 0.2.0, 7 months color picker as a reusable webcomponent
published version 0.0.1, 7 months agoDesign token support for the graph engine
published version 7.1.1, 18 days agoFile system manipulation nodes for the graph engine
published version 6.0.1, a month agoImage nodes for the graph engine
published version 6.0.0, 2 months agoExample workspace for the graph engine
published version 3.0.0, 3 months agoAudio nodes for the graph engine
published version 7.0.0, 2 months agoThe official configs for Tokens Studio, such as Prettier, ESLint, TSConfig etc.
published version 0.2.3, 4 months ago