
Scott McCaughey

  • This project is a fork of kss-node that adds support for parsing comments in YAML files.

    published 3.0.0-beta.24 5 years ago
  • USITC Design System — resources, tooling and guidelines for building websites with USITC’s front-end framework.

    published 1.8.0 6 years ago
  • Scripts to convert YAML tokens into various formats (JSON, SCSS, etc.) for design systems.

    published 1.0.2 5 years ago
  • USITC Design System Assets — static assets for building websites with USITC’s front-end framework.

    published 2.0.23 5 years ago
  • USITC Design System Components — Angular components for building websites with USITC’s front-end framework.

    published 2.0.23 5 years ago