jQuery reactive plugin to supply XML, XPath and XSLT functionality.
published 1.1.2 7 years agolink-import! amd plugin for loading WebComponents locally and over CDN in AMD dependencies list and implementation of WebComponent via AMD define()
published 1.0.2 7 years agoProof of concept for Embeddable Progressive Application - a microapplication container, a WebComponent acting as seamless IFRAME or html include
published 0.0.20 5 years agoWebcomponent inserts prism JS syntax colored HTML in html-demo-element before actual dom
published 1.0.8 3 years agoWeb component fetch-element for ajax and render JSON/XML data as table and slotted-element without shadow DOM
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published 1.0.5 3 years agoBookmarklet, JS, and XSLT for presenting XML or JSON as super-sortable HTML table
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published 0.0.9 2 years agoDeclarative Custom Element as W3C proposal PoC with native(XSLT) based templating
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published 0.0.20 5 months agoTo evaluate and compare the bundled and unbundled builds on large codebase.
published 0.0.5 a year agocoverage % tag as svg generated for istambul unit test coverage provider
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