Cordova Purchase plugin for iOS and Android (AppStore and PlayStore)
published 7.4.3 5 years agoGoogle Fit phonegap plugin
published 0.0.7 5 years agoPhonegap plugin for check or launch other application in android device.
published 0.1.4 5 years agoYou can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
published 6.0.3 5 years agoThe plugin allows you to open Settings view from Android Cordova application and to open Native App settings view from iOS 8 Cordova application. Based on
published 1.0.0 5 years agoInteract with the iOS HealthKit SDK.
published 0.5.1 5 years agoCordova Plugin for access to Google Play and Apple Store within your app
published 1.2.0 5 years agoThis plugin for Cordova and PhoneGap allows you to check if an app is installed. It requires an URI Scheme (iOS) or a Package Name (Android).
published 0.4.2 5 years agoCordova Backbutton Plugin
published 0.3.0 5 years agoLaunch your app by using this URL: mycoolapp://, you can add a path and even pass params like this: mycoolerapp://somepath?foo=bar
published 4.2.0 5 years agoCordova DatePicker Plugin
published 0.9.2 5 years agoCordova Notification Plugin
published 1.2.1 5 years agoCordova Facebook SDK 4 Plugin
published 2.2.0 5 years agoCordova Globalization Plugin
published 1.0.4 5 years agoGoogle Analytics Plugin with Ads
published 1.0.2 5 years agoCordova InAppBrowser Plugin
published 1.3.1 5 years agoCordova Network Information Plugin
published 2.0.3 5 years agoCordova StatusBar Plugin
published 2.4.4 5 years agoCordova Whitelist Plugin
published 1.2.2 5 years agoShare text, images (and other files), or a link via the native sharing widget of your device. Android is fully supported, as well as iOS 6 and up. WP8 has somewhat limited support.
published 5.1.6 5 years agoThis plugin allows you to show a Toast. A Toast is a little non intrusive buttonless popup which automatically disappears.
published 2.7.2 5 years ago