

  • this is a library for eventbus

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  • this is a validate-form library

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  • Vue2 Component for resizable and draggable elements

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  • this is a library for websocket

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  • ## Project setup ``` npm install ```

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  • nodeJs模块文件快速生成工具

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  • using decorator to make router definitions and automatically generate swagger doc for egg.js

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  • A Magic Configurable Web Framework

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  • >基于 node.js 的命令行工具,用于管理多个项目的依赖。

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  • [中文文档](./README-ZH.md)

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  • Use lighthouse to analyze a website multiple times, collect the reports and statistics.

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  • published 0.1.16 4 months ago
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  • ```shell # 添加依赖 npm i vue3-h5-compatibility-video ```

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  • Implement an HTML parser in pure JS(TS) without relying on any libraries.

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  • A cli that converts image files to EPUB format. Supports batch conversion.

    published 1.0.0 2 months ago