Use Vuex to manage the state of you're ajax calls.
published 1.0.5 5 years ago## Modalwrapper components Wraps QModal and adds a few extra functionalities. props:
published 3.0.1 5 years ago- published 0.2.1 5 years ago
#### Cypress If you want to be able to use the vue app in the cypress tests you need to add the vue app to the window object. This can be done by installing vue-test-helpers as a plugin and running the following code:
published 2.7.1 5 years ago- published 4.0.2 5 years ago
vue cli plugin for a laura-wert project
published 1.2.0 5 years ago- published 1.0.6 5 years ago
this is een extension off
published 0.0.2 5 years ago``` yarn add @laura-wert/axios-handlers ``` # AxiosCacheHandler - throttle all requests at most once per threshold milliseconds (default is 1000ms) - use the cache prop on a get request to tell the tell the cache witch entities will be fetched - use the c
published 1.1.1 5 years ago