Simple observer composite to use for your factories
published 0.0.10 7 years agoLightweight breakpoint manager
published 0.0.5 4 years agoContains helpers used in Estático's data layer.
published 0.0.9 4 years agoUses ESLint to lint and automatically fix code.
published 1.0.1 3 years agoUses Browsersync to serve and realod files.
published 0.0.11 6 years agoUses [Puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer) to check for JS errors and run tests
published 0.0.14 6 years agoUses Stylelint to lint (and optionally auto-fix files)
published 0.0.11 6 years agoSends HTML pages through the [w3c validator](https://validator.w3.org/).
published 0.0.10 6 years agoWatches files using `gulp.watch`. Provides a dependency graph based on `graphlib`.
published 0.0.12 6 years agoUses `svgstore` to create a sprite from multiple SVGs.
published 0.0.13 6 years agoUses Webpack with Babel to transpile and bundle JavaScript.
published 2.0.0 3 years agoCompiles Sass to CSS using node-sass and postcss.
published 1.1.0 2 years agoDemo repo based on old Estático. Tasks were completely replaced with new ones and the source files were adapted where necessary.
published 1.5.5 6 years agoUses `gulp-simplefont64` to inline font files into base64-encoded data URIs
published 0.0.11 6 years agoUses GraphicsMagick to create resized and optionally cropped image variants
published 0.0.12 6 years agoUses [`node-plop`](https://github.com/amwmedia/node-plop) to interactively scaffold files.
published 0.0.15 6 years agoLightweight logger composite to help you debug your modules and disable when you go to production
published 0.0.2 7 years agoHelper for visual regression tests with [Puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer). Uses [pixelmatch](https://github.com/mapbox/pixelmatch).
published 0.0.2 6 years agoThe simplest way to make your app speak several languages. 🗣
published 1.0.1 3 years ago