
Patrik Henningsson

  • CLI and NPM package for fetching your external IP-address.

    published 0.0.5 8 years ago
  • Aptoma Smooth Storage client

    published 2.2.0 a year ago
  • Resolve aliased dependency paths using a RequireJS config

    published 9.0.2 21 hours ago
  • Get the type of an AMD module used for an AST node or within a file

    published 6.0.0 3 months ago
  • Find the dependencies of a sass file

    published 6.0.0 3 months ago
  • Convert a dependency path into a filepath

    published 4.0.0 4 months ago
  • Find all dependencies within a JavaScript file using AMD module syntax

    published 6.0.0 3 months ago
  • Get the dependencies of an ES6 module

    published 5.0.0 3 months ago
  • Check for circular dependencies in AMD or CommonJS modules using Madge.

    published 1.0.3 7 years ago
  • Unleash the detectives

    published 12.1.2 21 hours ago
  • Get the entry points from a config or found within a directory

    published 2.0.0 6 years ago
  • Execute a callback on every node of a source code's AST and stop walking when you see fit

    published 7.0.0 4 months ago
  • Whether or not a file is calling a particular function

    published 1.0.4 9 years ago
  • Get the modules that call a function of another module

    published 1.0.3 9 years ago
  • Get the dependencies of a CommonJS module by traversing its AST

    published 6.0.0 3 months ago
  • Collection of useful helper functions when trying to determine module type (CommonJS or AMD) properties of an AST node.

    published 6.0.0 4 months ago
  • Determines if a file is using a CommonJS or AMD module definition

    published 6.0.0 4 months ago
  • Create graphs from module dependencies.

    published 7.0.0 4 months ago
  • Get the dependency tree of a module

    published 11.0.1 3 months ago
  • Get the dependencies of a Stylus file

    published 5.0.0 3 months ago
  • Whether or not a given path is relative

    published 2.0.0 7 years ago
  • Get the file associated with a Sass import

    published 6.0.1 4 months ago
  • Get the file associated with an imported/required Stylus partial

    published 6.0.0 4 months ago
  • Find files based on partial paths

    published 5.0.2 3 months ago
  • The brains behind Dependents editor plugins

    published 2.0.0 6 years ago
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