
Or Zarchi

  • A simple Inversion of Control (IOC) container for Node.js, aimed at injecting ES2015 classes.

    published 1.0.8 8 years ago
  • A higher order component that performs a redux action when the wrapped component is mounted

    published 1.0.7 7 years ago
  • A simpler fluent interface to redux's connect

    published 1.0.17 7 years ago
  • A frontend Framework for building admin applications on top of REST services, using ES6, React and Material UI

    published 1.4.0 6 years ago
  • A react codemod to transform stateless/pure/functional components to class components.

    published 1.0.2 6 years ago
  • Run one of the following in a run-script or using npx

    published 1.0.1 6 years ago
  • In order to start auto linting and formatting, run the command `whisp-eslint-install` (located in /node_modules/.bin/).

    published 1.0.24 5 years ago
  • Install with `yarn add --dev tslint-config-whisp`

    published 1.0.7 5 years ago
  • Provide scrapers for all major Israeli banks and credit card companies

    published 0.7.0-fork 5 years ago
  • Tools to parse a Curtis VCL source file into an AST. You can also pretty-print the AST back into a text file, or extend the provided parser to create extensions to the language.

    published 0.1.4 3 years ago