
  • Aemon Oidc Introspect

    published 0.2.14 2 years ago
  • Open Policy Agent Middleware

    published 0.0.7 3 years ago
  • React Ghost Auth is an easy to use multi-provider authentication and authorisation library. The library uses the OpenID Connect Flow. You simply set your configurations options for all providers to be used, and use them. It's that simple.

    published 2.1.3 7 months ago
  • Yes ... only if necessary, but ... Irene Kills!

    published 0.0.5-alpha 2 years ago
  • Yes... only if necessary, but... I will kill Ghii

    published 1.0.2 2 years ago
  • EmotionDetector makes use of face-api to detect emotions, genders, age.

    published 1.0.19 a year ago
  • Yes ... only if necessary, but ... Irene Kills!

    published 0.0.7-alpha a year ago
  • Yes... only if necessary, but... I will kill Ghii

    published 1.0.5 a year ago
  • Http Testing Tool

    published 0.4.5 7 days ago