Sofa Web SDK search service component.
published version 0.6.0, 10 years agoEasily deploy using the semantic versioning system.
published version 0.5.0, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK device service component.
published version 0.5.1, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK url parser service component.
published version 0.3.3, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK url construction service component.
published version 0.5.3, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK couch service component.
published version 0.15.0, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK wishlist component.
published version 0.4.1, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK basket service component.
published version 0.6.1, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK logging service component.
published version 0.4.1, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK checkout service component.
published version 0.9.0, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK State Resolver component.
published version 0.4.2, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK user service component.
published version 0.7.1, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK coupon service component.
published version 0.4.1, 10 years agoSofa Web SDK pages service component.
published version 0.5.0, 10 years agoA swipe component for React Native that works on iOS and Android.
published version 0.2.1, 8 years ago