
Mohamed Nabous

  • This project is to create an array which its changes can be listened such changes as `push`, `pop`, `a[0] = null`, etc.

    published 0.0.1-a 5 years ago
  • This package allows you to use one css file for both directions "rtl", "ltr", also comes with js object where changes the locale as well as the direction on the root html element.

    published 1.0.0-b 5 years ago
  • The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

    published 4.3.12-c 5 years ago
  • This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 9.1.11.

    published 0.0.1 4 years ago
  • This package provides a variaty of useful components that is based on bootstrap.

    published 0.4.0 4 years ago
  • This library is used to unflatten an object to nested object form.

    published 0.0.4 4 years ago
  • This library is used to parse an accessor string with a given context object.

    published 0.0.3 4 years ago
  • This library is used to simplify the connections to your backend RESTful api, and supports multiple endpoint/servers. Also provides a Base Resource service which can be used to make the crud operations consistent and simple.

    published 0.2.5 3 years ago
  • This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 9.1.12.

    published 0.0.4 4 years ago
  • This Package is created to make everything repeated while developing an angular project available everywhere from just one `HelperService`, it comes packed with a function `request` which takes care of requests including form requests.

    published 1.0.4 4 years ago
  • ![Example]( ## [Example (click me)]( As you can see in the example above, this slidebox is easy to configure with these

    published 0.0.7 4 years ago
  • This package provides a variaty of useful components and tools that is based on bootstrap.

    published 0.6.11 3 years ago
  • Stencil Component Starter

    published 0.0.7 3 years ago
  • This package is abstracted from and inspired by the packages - `axios` - `@monabbous/ng-api-wrapper` where it simplifies the requests to the API

    published 0.1.10 3 years ago
  • 🛠 An SDK for building applications on top of Swapx.

    published 2.3.28 3 years ago
  • Set of UI components for swapx projects

    published 0.43.6 3 years ago
  • A package to tree shake imported libraries such as MUI and fontawesome

    published 0.0.6 2 years ago