
  • Retrieve current IP address

    published 0.1.9 6 years ago
  • Command line interface for retrieving current public IP

    published 0.1.3 6 years ago
  • Defines an SQS queue with tweet stream from a search

    published 0.1.12 5 years ago
  • `cdk-vscode-fargate` is a JSII construct library for AWS CDK that allows you to deploy [Code-server](https://github.com/orgs/linuxserver/packages/container/package/code-server) running VS Code remotely, on a AWS Fargate container.

    published 0.0.43 3 years ago
  • You should explore the contents of this project. It demonstrates a CDK Construct Library that includes a construct (`MyConstruct`) which contains an Amazon SQS queue that is subscribed to an Amazon SNS topic.

    published 0.1.0 3 years ago