Display a badge element in front of Bulma's element in different colors.
published 3.0.1 5 years agoDisplay a calendar for date/time selection, in different colors and sizes
published 7.1.1 20 days agoMake classic checkbox and radio more sexy in different colors, sizes, and states
published 2.1.3 3 years agoDisplay a vertical or horizontal divider to segment your design.
published 0.2.0 6 years agoDisplay a page-loader to inform user that content is loading, in different colors.
published 0.3.0 5 years agoDisplay classic slider more sexy, in different colors, sizes, and states
published 2.0.5 3 years agoDisplay steps for a process (like sign-up, or order, form), in different colors, sizes, and states
published 2.2.1 6 years agoDisplay classic checkbox as a switch button, in different colors, sizes, and states
published 2.0.4 3 years agoDisplay a vertical timeline, in different colors, sizes, and states
published 3.0.5 3 years agoDisplay a tooltip attached to any kind of element, in different position.
published 3.0.2 5 years agoDisplay a quick view of data without leaving the current page
published 2.0.0 6 years agoA wonderful customizable icon picker for your Bulma project
published 2.1.0 6 years ago