Authentication primitives for node.js applications
Persistence module for mysql & mongo.
Simple logger inspired by the VMS Message facility.
RFC4122 Compliant UUIDs for node & HTML5 browsers w/ real entropy & hash functions
Node.JS App Accelerator - Build a skeletal web app using connect / mysql / mongodb in seconds
Connect.js middleware for easily routing JSON API calls to appropriate JavaScript objects.
Read properties from multiple URIs provided on the command line.
Web-Based Administrative Interface (mostly) for Headless Devices
Turn Handlebars templates into web sites.
Project Tin HTTP Reverse Proxy (formerly OhMeadhbh/kaeng)
Web-Based Administrative Interface Headless Raspberry Pi's
Curate collections of config files in /etc using symbolic links
Project Tin Functional Programming and Utility Functions
a simple wrapper around Server Side Events