
  • List of codes per country (languages, calling codes, currency codes, etc)

    published version 1.6.11, a year ago
  • Listado de prefijos telefónicos para Argentina

    published version 1.0.2, 4 years ago
  • Congrats! You just saved yourself hours of work by bootstrapping this project with TSDX. Let’s get you oriented with what’s here and how to use it.

    published version 0.2.0, 2 years ago
  • This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](, using the [Redux]( and [Redux Toolkit]( TS template.

    published version 0.3.0, 2 years ago
  • Project that simulates Orders and Emails from a business or shop. It allows to create orders via API that are sent to a queue so they can be consumed later to create emails and send them to a dummy inbox.

    published version 3.2.0, 2 years ago