Convenience functions for working with Census APIs: Statistics, Cartographic GeoJSON, lat/lng -> FIPS, and other niceties.
published version 2.3.4, 2 years agoConvenience functions for working with Census APIs: Statistics, Cartographic GeoJSON, lat/lng -> FIPS, and other niceties.
published version 1.0.24, 6 years agoConvenience functions for working with Census APIs: Statistics, Cartographic GeoJSON, lat/lng -> FIPS, and other niceties. Stuffed into a web worker
published version 0.0.1, 6 years agocore utilities for working with plugs
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published version 0.0.1, 4 years agoCRUD utilities and types for the COPE platform
published version 0.2.50, 3 years agoNode CLI for building Python Lambda packages using Poetry
published version 1.0.4, a year ago## TODO - [ ] add cloudwatch (iam only, resources already handled) - [ ] add lambda role arn as principal to bucket policy (iam only, resources already handled) - [ ] refactor lambda env var dependent code (SNS, S3) to handle JSON.parse()d collecti
published version 0.1.19, a year ago