
Yoshiya Hinosawa
  • A tool for measuring round-trip time of http requests under a Keep-Alived connection.

    published 0.1.0 10 years ago
  • A command line stub http server with the special DSL.

    published 1.2.0 10 years ago
  • paletteSet.json viewer

    published 0.1.5 10 years ago
  • Function.prototype enhancement for class definition utility

    published 1.0.0 10 years ago
  • D3-based reusable chart library

    published 0.7.20 4 years ago
  • Yet another inheritance utility

    published 1.3.0 9 years ago
  • Creates bunyan logger bound to elasticsearch output.

    published 0.3.0 9 years ago
  • Simple game loop

    published 1.3.0 4 years ago
  • Renamed to capsid. Use capsid instead. https://npm.im/capsid

    published 14.0.0 7 years ago
  • event-hub on a dom tree

    published 6.2.2 8 years ago
  • Initialize class components with promise

    published 2.3.0 9 years ago
  • Twist events at a dom

    published 2.0.1 9 years ago
  • Reusable HTML class component

    published 1.0.0 9 years ago
  • Svg as jquery object on node.js

    published 1.0.3 9 years ago
  • The event utility for class-component.

    published 2.0.2 9 years ago
  • A tool for creating a cli which uses cli options and package.json options and merge them into default options

    published 2.0.0 9 years ago
  • eslint shareable config for souffle

    published 4.0.0 8 years ago
  • A tool for creating a cli tool like [standard](https://github.com/feross/standard)

    published 2.0.0 9 years ago
  • A style checker. based on eslint, similar to standard, allows more spaces.

    published 3.1.1 8 years ago
  • Syntax syrup for gulpfile

    published 1.0.4 9 years ago
  • Serves the vinyl stream directly

    published 3.0.0 6 years ago
  • micro-templating function

    published 1.0.5 9 years ago
  • Generate your static site with gulp plugins!

    published 8.0.2 2 years ago
  • Animation of dom, flipping its sections for showing and hiding the whole

    published 1.1.0 9 years ago
  • Animating speech bubble component, appears and disappears flipping its sections.

    published 1.1.0 9 years ago
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