
Keith Smith

  • Offers a way to modularize your tasks

    published 1.1.1 8 years ago
  • Adds a createdAt timestamp property to your mongoose model

    published 1.0.3 8 years ago
  • Add some helper properties to lock documents after a max number of failed attempts

    published 1.0.3 8 years ago
  • Adds a password field that gets hashed when updated

    published 1.0.3 9 years ago
  • Adds a role and access level functionality to a model

    published 3.0.5 5 years ago
  • Adds a password field that gets hashed when updated

    published 1.0.3 9 years ago
  • Adds an updatedAt timestamp property to your mongoose model

    published 1.0.2 9 years ago
  • Allows you to require stuff from your project root

    published 1.0.1 9 years ago
  • A development module to help in the logging of asynchronous tasks.

    published 1.2.2 9 years ago
  • Pulls in dynamic list of filepaths to bower components

    published 4.0.4 5 years ago
  • A node module to help build more dynamic swaggerize doc files. Compliments swaggerize-express very well

    published 1.0.0 9 years ago
  • A promise based wrapper around http/https

    published 1.0.1 8 years ago
  • A wrapper around winston logger for scalable application logging

    published 1.0.1 8 years ago
  • Express middleware to display a swagger-ui page

    published 1.0.1 9 years ago
  • A micro-service service-discovery framework for node

    published 2.0.0 8 years ago
  • Auto loads waterline models from a directory

    published 0.3.1 7 years ago
  • Salesforce adapter for Sails / Waterline

    published 2.0.1 8 years ago
  • A promise-based pub sub hub hook system for node

    published 1.1.0 9 years ago
  • ElasticSearch adapter for Sails / Waterline

    published 0.1.0 9 years ago
  • A repo with a collection of the various linting/styling rules that I wish to follow

    published 2.3.1 7 years ago
  • An initialization step/middleware to let you start accepting requests immediately, but wait until some other asynchronous task have completed, such as database connections.

    published 1.0.0 8 years ago
  • A CLI to download and use `.env` files from Amazon S3

    published 0.2.2 8 years ago
  • A Salesforce solution for Node

    published 1.1.0 7 years ago
  • A middleware to simply attach a logger to the request context of your http server of choice

    published 1.0.2 8 years ago
  • A node module to make service to service communication secure and easy

    published 2.2.0 6 years ago
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