
Kolten Fluckiger
  • Maps CSS classes to JS classes that use CSS Modules while preserving CSS classes that don't use CSS Modules EX: fontawesome

    published 1.0.17 a year ago
  • API Handler for Axios for quick use of axios methods.

    published 1.0.19 a year ago
  • Converts JSON into Objects before passing the object through the middleware chain. Useful when using mongoose which takes objects for filters, searches, updates, and more.

    published 1.0.8 4 years ago
  • This package simplifies and allows the use of @tanstack/react-query. This package allows you to generate async requests using axios and then using them in your react query hooks to cache the data. THIS IS A WIP, I WILL ADD AND TAKE AWAY FEATURES AS I SEE

    published 1.0.4 3 months ago
  • Maps CSS classes to JS classes that use CSS Modules while preserving CSS classes that don't use CSS Modules EX: fontawesome

    published 1.0.15 8 months ago