A standalone javascript library for cross-browser mouse wheel support
published 1.1.6 6 years agoAn Angular directive for cross-browser mousewheel support by making use of the hamster.js library.
published 0.9.5 6 years agoAn Angular component for panning and zooming an element or elements using the mouse and mousewheel. Provides rudimentary support for touchscreens (read section on mobile support). It was adapted from the angular-pan-zoom library for AngularJS, but it ha
published 10.0.0 4 years agoAn Angular component for panning and zooming an element or elements using the mouse and mousewheel. Provides rudimentary support for touchscreens (read section on mobile support). It was adapted from the angular-pan-zoom library for AngularJS, but it ha
published 19.0.0 10 days agoSmall and efficient cache provider for Node.JS with In-memory, Redis and MongoDB engines
published 2.2.8 4 years agoRedis standalone caching library for Node.JS and also cache engine for Cacheman
published 2.1.6 4 years agoMinimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to any available console.log methods
published 1.7.1 4 years ago# <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swagger-api/swagger.io/wordpress/images/assets/SWU-logo-clr.png" width="300">
published 3.37.2 4 years agoAn efficient, simple, and lightweight library to watch the DOM for elements added, removed, appeared, disappeared, or resized.
published 1.0.8 4 years agoInstant code highlighting, auto-detect language
published 11.4.0 3 years agoThis library was generated with [Angular CLI](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli) version 12.2.0.
published 4.0.1 3 years agoAngular library that uses marked to parse markdown to html combined with Prism.js for synthax highlights
published 12.0.1 3 years agoType reflection utilities for TypeScript.
published 0.3.2 3 years agoAutomaticly Increment properties
published 1.2.0 3 years ago