
Rolando Santamaría Masó
  • The ultra fast, distributed (multi process and multi server), STOMP based event emitter for Node.js!

    published 1.2.1 8 years ago
  • Implementation of the 'distributed-eventemitter' module API for the browser or single node processes!

    published 1.0.1 7 years ago
  • JavaScript module to sign/verify data using NaCL crypto library (TweetNaCL.js)

    published 2.0.3 4 years ago
  • JWT authentication module for auth.kyberneees.com (User Identity & Management as a Service)

    published 0.1.1 8 years ago
  • Web firewall compatible with Express/Restify and others...

    published 1.1.1 4 years ago
  • Minimalist 'hydra integration' module, intended for Node.js web frameworks integration.

    published 1.0.3 6 years ago
  • Minimalist queue manager based on bull.

    published 1.1.1 7 years ago
  • Super fast and minimalist web framework for building REST micro-services.

    published 4.9.9 5 months ago
  • Hydra plugin that adds traditional HTTP requests, routing and proxy capabilities to your hydra micro-service cluster.

    published 1.1.0 5 years ago
  • Keycloak Node.js minimalist connector for backend services integration.

    published 5.0.0 a year ago
  • A Node.js API Gateway that just works!

    published 2.8.4 3 years ago
  • Invokes connect-like middleware if / unless routing criteria matches. Inspired on express-unless module.

    published 1.4.0 2 years ago
  • Cero friction HTTP request router. The need for speed!

    published 3.5.3 5 months ago
  • Forward your HTTP request to another server.

    published 2.2.0 a year ago
  • A Node.js API Gateway for the masses!

    published 3.4.7 3 months ago
  • Allows to capture HTTP response content and headers on request end.

    published 1.0.3 a year ago
  • HTTP Cache Middleware

    published 1.4.1 2 years ago
  • Node.js framework agnostic HTTP error handler

    published 1.0.1 4 years ago
  • Simple JSON parser for AWS Lambda + HTTP integration via serverless-http

    published 1.0.1 4 years ago
  • Proxy HTTP requests to AWS Lambda

    published 1.1.4 4 years ago
  • HTTP Server implementation on top of uWebSocket.js

    published 4.2.0 8 months ago
  • Efficiently serve static files using Node.js and Docker containers.

    published 2.1.7 2 years ago
  • High performance Swagger/OpenAPI validator middleware for Restana

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Forward your HTTP request to another server.

    published 1.1.2 a year ago
  • 0http for Bun

    published 1.0.4 3 months ago
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