
Rohit Bhatia

  • React-native component which will automatically change focus to next input element making it great to use when making OTP screens, pin based login screens or even date of birth component

    published 0.10.8 3 years ago
  • React-native-keyboard space animates the sliding up of your child component whenever keyboard appears.

    published 1.0.6 3 years ago
  • The smart status bar for react-native that intelligently handles safe area across iOS and Android, background color etc

    published 1.0.24 3 years ago
  • A react native component super useful in displaying progress when user is filling up forms like signup page, setting, information catering etc

    published 1.0.11 4 years ago
  • Creates a beautiful forms for React-Native within minutes with validatos, error handling by passing just JSON

    published 1.0.26 3 years ago
  • A react native component super useful in displaying progress when user is filling up forms like signup page, setting, information catering etc

    published 1.0.24 3 years ago
  • load images from unsplash, pexels, pixabay and shutterstock

    published 1.0.0 3 years ago